The Affairs of Congress, May-June 2012: Part 2

Day 1,667, 00:54 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hey eJapan, it's the speaker again, ahava3233, here to report on the affairs of congress once again. I am writing officially here as the speaker to inform the public of what has happened in congress during the past week or so.

Congress has gone through quite a few affairs since I last reported.

1. Communications Platforms (Forums and IRC)

Action by our new Minister of the Interior, Nowe at the start of the Darshu administration brought about quite a bit of commotion. Without initially informing much of the government, taking action he found to be suitable as Minister of the Interior, Nowe, with the help of other individuals such as Erumaron, established new forums at using a forum theme and style used in our community in days past. He additionally started sending messages out to citizens, telling them that these forums were now official and the current forums,, were to become defunct.

However, much of congress disagreed with this motion and discussion was initiated regarding the matter after Nowe presented it to congress (See here). A vote was then initiated on the matter of whether the forums should be moved, and the result was a unanimous no vote (See here). Nowe's forums were declared unofficial and most business is now still conducted on, although is still being maintained.

Additionally, due to further complaints regarding Porky's abuse of power on IRC on the #nippon-teikoku channel, being that he didn't give up ownership of the channel as previously believed, after congressional discussion (See here) and a vote (See here) #nippon-teikoku was declared unofficial and a new official channel was established at #nippon. exreality is the owner of this new channel, and there haven't been any official complaints since.

2. Tax Revenue Program

Earlier during the reign of the Darshu administration, Geezus established an unofficial money-making program, making use of the marketplace bot in order to create tax revenue for the government. However, due to issues with the manner this program was originally advertised to the public, it was brought up to congress by a concerned private citizen (See here). This discussion eventually led to discussion regarding the merits of this program and eventually a vote on giving it government subsidized support so citizens could profit through their participation (See here). The vote passed, and the program is currently operational. If you are interested in participating but haven't yet heard about the program, I would recommend sending a message to the Minister of Finance or the vMof (Akki, Tom Medelsvensson, or Geezus) for more information. If the MoF has a preference on who to message regarding the program, please let me know as soon as possible and I will edit this article and make note of this.

3. Right to Vote out Ministers & the President

Congressional rights to impeach ministers or force them to step down via a vote of no confidence were contested when Chise E. Tamai, a congress member who recently gave up citizenship and her seat in congress, brought up a discussion regarding voting out several ministers in Darshu's administration, quoting the old constitution as the authority giving congress the right to do so (See here). This issue was highly contested by many members of congress and the administration, and it seems the matter was to put to rest on congress having no authority to do so by the administration.

Additionally, during the debate, samproidz (another ex-congress member who has since left eJapan) brought up a vote to impeach the current Darshu administration without consulting congress. Although the ability of congress to vote out the president is completely undeniable given the game mechanics (how congress members can bring up a proposal to kick out the president without consulting anyone), the right and moral responsibility of doing so was contested by the administration, in particular due to the manner samproidz started the in-game vote, without bringing the matter up to discussion. Other issues with performing the impeach were brought up as well, such as Japanese foreign image issues and whether or not the executive could actually be handed over effectively to Yagami M. This commentary can be viewed here along with discussion on how to reprimand samproidz, although this is now irrelevant given he has given up eJapanese citizenship.

During this debate, after a mishap by myself of starting a vote on this prematurely (which I corrected), there was additionally discussion to impeach me (See here) on the grounds that some individuals believe that I cannot act separately as a congresswoman and as speaker, which was brought up due to my strongly expressed polarized minority/opposition views on the above impeachment matters (which I intended to give solely as a congresswoman, although my ability to do this has been contested). Thus, in their opinion, I am not fit to be speaker along with my elected job as a congresswoman. People have contested this matter on both sides, and the discussion is still currently open.

4. Military Supply System

Two matters with the military supply system were brought up in congress.

1. There was an error by the MoF regarding funding for the JNF supply system (See here). The MoF missed the relevant legislation and thought due to that the system shouldn't be funded. This has since been corrected, and I have recommended possible further codification of the legislation, although I have put this on hold for the moment due to the other matter regarding the supply system below.

2. There have been discussions regarding adjusting the supply system due to the introduction of the Division fighting system. These discussions are very much in preliminary stages, see here and here.

5. Other Matters

Some matters regarding foreign relations and the treaty with eROC and the situation with eSK have been discussed on the floor. (See here)

The voting abilities of a president who was once a congress member (like Darshu) were discussed. A general consensus seemed to be reached that he can only give one vote, although the discussion is still open. (See here)

The Imperial Referendum and its status has also been discussed. Currently, there are not enough votes to give a verdict on the matter and much of congress believes not enough votes will be submitted by the time the referendum closes, so the referendum will likely be retried in some other manner or with new conditions after further congressional approval in the future.(See here)

That's all for today folks, stay tuned for a further updates.

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