The actual strike

Day 3,750, 04:53 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

The actual strike is not against USA, Serbia, or Poland. It's not about war.
The actual strike is a strike against a pointless model of game. The strike is peace. Precisely, the absolute absence of war, the blockade of the economy of the means of a strike of players. Only by then, the administrators would realize that the game *must* be *fun*.

But, what's 'fun', anyway? Fun is change, fun is trial-and-error, fun is possibilities, fun is emotion, fun is risk. Now, your military might doesn't change, you cannot try and fail, and there're no possibilities. In the economy, it's even worse. No fun in absolutely no area.

The community ? Do I hear? There's no change in the 'community', no 'trial-and-error' (not even in woldean terms), no emotion in the 'community', and no 'risks'.

It's dead like a blue norwegian parrot. Only a 'strike' would stir it,... maybe.