Tequila Fitness Club | Forum - IRC - Manifesto

Day 636, 04:25 Published in Japan Japan by Lauri Mursu

Party President Election - August
I, Lauri Mursu, won this election being unopposed. Thank you for your support!

TFC Forum
Since the official eJapan forum is now nipponblog.net/forum, where we also have our own section for discussion, the old forum has became the TFC forum. If you are a member of the TFC you can go there and be involved in party decision making. If you had already signed up on the old eJapanese forum you wont need to sign up again. http://www.aoi-fan.uni.cc/

TFC IRC Channel
The TFC irc channel has been created. The channel is on the same server as the #ejapan channel (ice.coldfront.net) the channel name is (#tfclub). Join us for conversations about the future of eJapan, or just come to say hi.

The Tequila Fitness Club

The name doesn't link to any traditional images of a Political party, does it? There is no Real-Life equivalent like the Democratic or Republican party. It seems random - and some may say - out of place. The question is - is that really a bad thing?

It is, in fact, a good thing. A very good thing.

Leave your previous beliefs of Real-life political parties at the door.
It is takes a little time to get it, but it is important. eRepublik is NOT real life, and in accepting that, we are more ready and able to deal with what is actually important in this game.

So What exactly is special about the TFC?

Since it's creation, the TFC has been a party of individuals. A party of independent thinkers.
We are all different, and that is what makes everyone special. We recognize this and choose to encourage it, rather than surpress it. As a party, we encourage everyone to voice their own opinions, and then we discuss them together.
We are a group of Independent thinkers, united as a party.

What does the TFC stand for?

-A free market with minimal government intervention
-A strong an reliable army

We think it is important for our party to be a stable factor in Japanese politics. We want to be a party that stays, not one that changes name and identity every few months.
We want create a group who can competently lead this country, and in who the citizens of Japan can have full faith and trust.
A free market would be the best thing but this game has limitations that make it impossible to have a totally free market.

Since our party platform is agreed upon by discussion and consensus, we are perhaps the only party in Japan where it is acceptable for everyone's political views to differ slightly; it is not necessary for total agreement with our aims and goals for you to be welcome here. We are a party for free speech and free thinking, and there are no brownie-points to be won by following blindly like sheep.

Our party listens to the voices and opinions of all members - be they 12 days old or 12 months. It is completely open - there is no limit to what you can or can't do, other than your own ability. If you see something wrong in the party, you are encouraged to tell us about it, and then work with us as we try to correct it.
As the party has grown, so too have the key group of members who hold the party together. But this is not an exclusive club - to become a part of it, all you need to do is show initiative and get involved. Our party is always looking for new active members.

We are the obvious choice for free thinkers - those who wish to be free of the hive mentality displayed in some of the larger parties. We stand for anyone who does not wish to be part of a conglomerate, we are there for anyone who wants to do their own thing.
We listen to every member of the party, and offer everyone a chance to be heard. Everyones voice is equal, and all members can rise to the top.

We have a great core of helpful, friendly and experienced players who are always more than happy to offer help or advice to fellow party members. We run a mentor program which pairs a new member with an experienced citizen, providing help and advice whenever needed.
We have an enviable record in congress. All of our elected congressmen are active for the entire time they represent the party in congress. Our congressmen are among the most respected in the country. Our party is small in numbers, but has a large presence.

Make more of your experience in eRepublik - join a party where you matter, and where you can make a difference.

Not level 7 yet ?

If you haven't reach lvl 7 yet, but you do want to become a member, then just sign-up on our forum or join our irc channel.


#tfclub (ice.coldfront.net)

Lauri Mursu - Party President
Sophia Forrester - Vice President
Jafarin - Party Member