Switzerland, North Korea; Hospitals

Day 712, 01:31 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2


You should play some theme music.
Perhaps some motivational music. Think about your life.
Perhaps some patriotic music. Think about freedom.

Take a moment to consider these four nations:
eNorth Korea
What do these nations have in common?
After disaster, they have been resurrected.
They have lost everything; they are now free to do anything.
What do they choose? Allies? Community?
Three choices are clearly made; one has yet to be made.
Nothing is static. Everything is evolving. What will the fourth choice be?
Now put these considerations aside. Come back to them later.

Infrastructure for Allies:

Decisions for the deployment of infrastructure built by McFarland Constructions & Operation Mayhem are made in discussion with and/or at the direction of President Gaius Julius & Commandant Lucius Varenus. I trust our executive and military leaders to take the big picture view and make the right calls.

The primary goal of this Project & Operation remains the same: Infrastructure for the eUSA.
~ Infrastructure for the eUSA will always be donated for $1 USD.
The secondary goal is now to assist our allies when these leaders say the time is right.
~ Infrastructure for allies will mostly be sold at production cost; each case may vary.
~ The McFarland Constructions Project civilian volunteers are patriots who sacrifice for the eUSA; it is not fair to ask them to blindly sacrifice for allied nations as well. So, when we provide infrastructure for allies, I offer each volunteer a lump sum payment in USD according to the following formula: (# of days they worked on the allied infrastructure) * ((top current eUSA job offer for their highest skill rating) – ($2 USD, the volunteer wage)); this ensures that my volunteers are only sacrificing for the eUSA.

eNorth Korea

On Day 701, eNK came back on the map via Resistance War against Hungary.
On Day 704, President Gaius Julius proposed to offer eNK a Q5 Hospital for 150 Gold.
~ We estimated product completion on Day 708.
~ Production costs were roughly 182 Gold; the price subsidy was intended to aid our ally.
On Day 706, eNK purchased a Q5 Hospital for 290 Gold.
~ Time constraints were a significant issue for them.
On Day 707, I spoke with eNK President Afanasiy Drago.
~ To assist our new ally, I donated 140 Gold on behalf of the eUSA, President Julius & myself.
~ This reduced the cost for their new Q5 Hospital to the same as if they bought from us.
On Day 711, President Drago was kind enough to interview me as part of an article.

Prior to WWIII I barely noticed eNK. Then they went and picked a fight with Russia to support us. That was a damn fine sacrifice, and in my eyes earned them our eternal thanks. They completely sacrificed their entire country just to assist our blocking strategy.

They first returned to the map over a month ago in Pyongan.
~ On Day 675, they faced a Congressional PTO from the two Shaolin Temple parties. I gladly moved over to temporarily join President Drago’s Ring Wing Calumnies Party and assist in the aTO organized by Killing Time.
~ On Day 676, they faced a new threat. I gladly moved over again to lend a hand in battle in the failed attempt to resist conquest by Iran.
On Day 701, they returned to the map in Hamgyong, thanks to the efforts of Sadix.

Let’s keep them on the map this time. They are a small yet tenacious ally. o7


On Day 70X, eCanada President William Duncan contacted eSwitzerland President Eleriel.
~ President Duncan wanted to provide a free Q5 Hospital for eSwitzerland.
~ President Duncan & President Julius agreed on jointly offering the Q5 Hospital in the name of the Brolliance; the sales price set at production cost, to be split 50/50 between the eUSA & eCanada.
On Day 708, McFarland Hospitals completed our 2nd Q5 Hospital in stock.
On Day 710, President Julius proposed to place a Q5 Hospital on the market in eSwitzerland.
~ I purchased the export license & listed the product for $1 CHF.
~ President Eleriel soon proposed to purchase it.
~ Our newest Q5 Hospital now stands in Romandie, eSwitzerland.

My opinions here do not represent those of any government. They are mine alone.

President Eleriel holds a difficult position.

His nation is caught between the members of certain alliances: electorally, geographically, and ideologically, each claiming that the opposing alliance has engaged in a PTO of eSwitzerland and attempted to destroy Swiss self-determination. To pick a side is to pick a host of enemies, many of whom could individually crush this young nation. Yet, this young nation has a decision to make and a side to pick; nothing but a slow death waits in the dim twilight of neutrality.
~ Do you want a community who demand hundreds of gold for the return of each medium resource region, in addition to the cost of the resistance war to return them? A community who offers nothing by way of assistance?
~ Do you want allies who offer free infrastructure? Allies who offer free assistance in exporting raw materials to help build the local manufacturing industries? Allies who seek to lend a hand, unsolicited?

It’s a simple answer after all. Not an easy answer, but a simple answer.
It is perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation you are… and what direction you want to move in.
You have a rendezvous with destiny. Choose carefully. Choose wisely. o7

The History of McFarland Hospitals:

Production of our first Q5 Hospital has been a long process. Production was officially announced over a month ago. Production moved slowly due to the initial skepticism in public opinion of the McFarland Constructions Project; each Q5 Hospital was thus projected to require a production time of almost one month. Following the start of Operation Mayhem production began to pick up speed.
~ The 1st Q5 Hospital is listed for $1 USD on the eUSA market. The citizens who volunteered to produce the 1st Q5 Hospital will be recognized when it is deployed.
~ The 2nd Q5 Hospital is now deployed in Romandie, eSwitzerland.

The workforce of McFarland Hospitals is composed of Airborne & Marines from Operation Mayhem and private volunteers who have sacrificed their labor. These 38 citizens can stand proud when they gaze upon Romandie, knowing they have helped build the only Q5 Hospital in this young nation; they have helped lay the foundation for a solid relationship between eSwitzerland and the Brolliance.

These are the Airborne & Marines of Operation Mayhem:
Justin The Grand
Layne Kantor
M A V 1 C
Ron Paul

Their daily labor strengthens the eUSA and our allies.
It has been my privilege and honor to work alongside them on this project. o7

These are the volunteers who have sacrificed to empower eSwitzerlan😛
George Washington
Habraka Abrivianius
Jasdeep Dhaliwal
joe halton
Johnny Roberts
Jonny Zapadora
Patrick Jones
Ron Richardson
Travis S
unlikely suspect
Zach Zim
Zenichi Zuric'h

These volunteers were all offered the option of full payment for their service. They volunteered for the eUSA, yet their work assisted our friends in eSwitzerland. So far, of these 23 volunteers, ten have refused compensation, glad to help our friends and allies, and three have merely wanted partial compensation; none have accepted full compensation. These citizens know well the value of sacrifice for ourselves and our allies. o7

The McFarland Constructions Project:

Thank you to every patriot who has contributes to the McFarland Constructions Project.
We are always looking for new volunteers.
McFarland Constructions will continue to operate as it always has:
1. McFarland Hospitals builds Q5 Hospitals for the eUSA.
2. McFarland Defense Systems builds Q5 Defense Systems for the eUSA.
3. McFarland Homework Assignments serves as the eUSA constructions industry training hub.

Max McFarland 2
General Manager, McFarland Constructions
~ In whom do you trust?