Stay-at-home Challenge and Power-leveling - Part 2

Day 4,534, 17:56 Published in Canada Turkey by Karl004

We did it boys! The Prestige hunter is in the bag. I must say it wasn't as easy as last time and I had to get creative to get to 60K pp while hoarding as much eb as possible. More on that later.

When this whole event started, I believed I was in a fortunate enough situation. Well, this event is about to end and my situation is that much better. All this tanking means that during the last 14 days I managed the get out of GoD, going all the way from GoW** to Titan. While two rank-up doesn't seems like such a big deal, I managed to triple my decade-long overall damage output on the ground during this event.

Since I was a bit more on a budget this time, I could'nt really afford to hit early in battles that will eventualy become epic MC in order to secure a better placement. 2nd place then was much harder to get so I had to settle for 3rd or 4th place most of the time. That means less precious carrots to compose with. On top of that, one big upset almost ruined my whole strategy, burning away most of my carrots.
*Note to myself: Do not hit for Chile ever again. And none of these 1bn guys were there at 1:15:00. 🙁

Some of you mentionned that it was easier and less expensive to farm pp through epic most contested air battle. As far as only pp is concerned, that is true. However, pp for me is not an end of its own. The whole point to prestige hunt is to aquire ressources like eb and stingers to help me in the long run as well as ranking up both on ground and in the air. Getting pp through the air would not have been sustainable for my goal since I would have to spend pretty much all the energy that I get through the rewards of the WC to keep going. Getting new carrots on the ground is much easier than in the air so that's why I chose this route. It is a matter of farming energy really.

I said at the beginning that I found a method to save ressources like tanks and energy. Here it is: It involves ghost boosters. As we all know, the ghost booster allows you to borrow some of the biggest damage/hit of the Citizen who fights in the same Battle, Round, side and Division as you. Perfect when you can use it on a Legend XX who can routinely single-handedly start epic battles on its own (and boy were they out there...) But another effect of this booster that involve more the mechanics of the game is that a kill with this booster is always made with only one or two hits, but here's the kicker: Without requiring the use of a weapon!. That's only 10-20 health per kill, puting this almost on par with bazooka, again, without the use of a weapon. Plus it does more damage than bazooka (for a grunt like me, the damage that this booster provide equals as much as my regular Q7 hit without any form of boosters, so really I didn't feel like I was missing using a weapon). Sure, you can use this booster along with bazooka so that your bazooka hits does the damage of the booster+10K but I found the unnarmed method to be most optimal.


My goal to get 2000 Q7 weapons has been reached thanks to you. I already began to reimburse every single one of you according to the arrangment we have aggreed upon. My plan after this is still to use all these carrots and stingers to improve my still almost less non-existent air-rank than last time (SALNEARTLT). But there is one...thing, one obnoxious presence that keeps creeping closer and closer as I keep hitting.