Spread the Love

Day 1,797, 10:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Equalist

I write this article not as a member of a political party, but as a citizen of the eUnited Kingdom. During my time here I have seen a troubling trend. The constant bickering between parties has divided our nation. Often the arguments being made are lost and illogical. We should not be fighting against one another, we should be working together. Let’s bring an end to our grudges against each other and spread the love.

There are many articles and many people I can point to as examples of the problems we see in our political system, but I am not here to point that out. If you have been somewhat active during the past month you know what I am talking about. So I will attempt to write this without any references to people, parties, or articles. The underlying problem is that many parties and people have been accusing their counterparts as being corrupt, incompetent, elitist, unworthy, and so on. While real life politics is always going to have clashes, this is based off of ideological differences. But here in eRepublik, being left or right on the political spectrum is not of great importance. In fact, the arguments being made have very little to do with political ideas. Instead we see fights about the extent at which each party represents its people.

This is nonsense. The arguments have simply gotten out of control. Yes, I will concede that being a relatively new player, I might not know the whole back story behind the origins of these clashes, but one thing that I have witnessed is the increase in the arguing. There have been major shifts in the top 5 parties over recent weeks, which could perhaps contribute to the friction between parties. But there is little evidence to back up the claims being made, so from an outside point of view, it looks like everyone is whining about anything.

All parties could have more transparency that would help in subduing the accusations. Also, if people are to accuse certain parties of certain actions, there needs to be evidence, not rhetoric. Otherwise, there is no point in all this arguing. Let me make it clear that if people believe that this fighting is going to convince people to change their views, they are mistaken. It is known that the eUK is not as strong compared to other nations. Surely if we are to accept that parties have their differences and agree to disagree we can actually work together to make this nation a better place.