Senate Election Presentation - Xavier Griffith

Day 672, 23:07 Published in Australia Australia by Xavier Griffith

My Fellow eAustralians,

I’ll try to make this quick, I know how much these probably annoy you with them all coming out at the same time each month, but they should be done so that you are aware of who and what you are voting for each month in relation to individuals. It’s probably even more important for those of us that are Independent Politicians, so that said, to the details.

I have been an eAustralian Citizen since our poor eNation was under the control of eIndonesia. I fought in the resistance wars to free our Country. I have served in the eAustralian Parliament for 7 Terms. I have served during those terms as the following:

Current Inspector General;
6 Terms as a Senator:
2 Terms as the Speaker;
1 Term as the Deputy Speaker.

1 Term in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Patti:
As the Minister of Information.

I also served a Term in the eIsraeli Knesset as a Knesset Member.

I was one of the Founders of the Australian Democratic Socialist Party (ADSP), before leaving and becoming an Independent in eAustralian Politics and Founded the Australian Independents Party (AIP) which recently changed its name to the Australian Independents (AI) in an attempt to show that we are not actually a Political Party but a Group of Independent Politicians fighting in the Senate for what be believe is the best for eAustralia and its People. Its main Motto is “Keep the Bastards Honest”.

My Politics centre around what I believe is best for the Nation and its Citizens. Both my supporters Advocates and my Opponents know me to be outspoken and active on the Senate floor (forums). What do I support and not support:

1. Full transparency of the Government for the most part, however I do believe and accept that some things are too sensitive for immediate release at the time. This belief extends not just to the Senate, which of late has become exceptionally transparent, but to the Executive Government (The Cabinet). This I'm glad to say has come about finally, the new Parliament Section on the Forums is working really well and so is the Public Gallery, allowing Citizens to speak directly to their elected members.

2. Senate and Government Reform. I fully support this to a point, and I’m happy to say that some of it has started to occur over this last term. I’d like to see it continue to move forward and develop further.

3. Local Markets. As the Owner of Griffith Enterprises, one of the first eAustralian Orgs with eAustralian Companies, one of the Founders and current Vice Chairman of the Australian Business Association (ABA), while I agree that some of our areas, especially in Raw Materials (RM) are low to Medium, I don’t see the need for the Government to overly disadvantage them, especially the ones that have been around for a long time and helped this Nation grow.

4. Australia’s Strong Defence Force Policies, and the Backing and assistance by the Government to assist eAustralia’s Defence Force to continue to grow and increase in strength, experience and ability.

5. Friendly Relations with eIndonesia. They have allowed us to regain our Country and been honourable in their dealings and actions towards and with us for the most part. I am OPPOSED at the present time to the PEACE GC Alliance or eAustralia’s membership in it.

My Political Motto has always been “Keep the Bastards Honest” and I continually strive to do that. I’d like to once again be part of the eAustralian Senate and the Parliament during this exciting time in its reformation. I ask you, to please Vote for Xavier Griffith at the next eAustralian Senatorial Elections on the 25th September, and I assure you, I will “Keep the Bastards Honest”

Xavier Griffith