SEAL Team 6 Seeks Fresh Blood - JOIN NOW!

Day 783, 18:51 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa

Votes & Subs Always Appreciated-


This is a rare opportunity to join SEAL Team 6. The private, elite, internationally recognized fighting team, with a proud mission history to back it up. Due to constant promotions and turnover, we are recruiting. We do only have a limited number of openings available. Whoever is approved that does not make this round of recruiting will be next on the list.

Our goal in short, as set forth by founder Josh Frost:

“This is an organization with one aim, fight PHOENIX on the very ground they have taken from our allies. RWs is the name of the game. We are looking for committed players, players who are willing to fight not only for their homeland, but for those who have so bravely fought for us...”

We are looking for fresh blood to join our Training & Recruitment Division, TST6. Where we will provide hands-on SEAL Qualification Training. The only path for Lt's to FM's to becoming a full fledged SEAL and member of a closely-knit team.


While we obviously want the hardest hitting applicants. We do provide the chance for younger players to learn and grow. Our requirements are simple:

- At least Strength 7
- Minimum Rank of Lieutenant
- No current military or militia ties
- Active and responsive enough to allow for quick deployment
- Allied citizenship.
- Enjoy kicking ass

Membership Options:

SEAL Team 6 is almost entirely self-funded. And believe me the overhead runs high. 10-15 weapons per SEAL each mission, plus usually 4 moving tickets to move in & out of a hostile country. And expensive R.W.'s are our primary attack method. Therefore to keep us running, we offer the following options:

- Work in the Seal-Self-Sufficiency(SSS) program, known loosely as 'the commune'. Which means be employed by a SEAL company who's profits and products strictly supply the SEAL's.

Benefits include: full cache of weapons for each deployment, moving tickets covered for deployment, the ability to be fired quickly for fast response where and when we are needed. Random benefits like free gifts. And the optional pay of 1 - 2.75+(for higher Q)usd to cover additional costs.

- Or monthly membership of 6 gold to cover your weapons and moving tickets for each deployment.

- Or you can choose to be self funded, providing these items on your own. And contributing 2 gold a month to fund the R.W.'s, etc.

You are free to choose whichever is most appropriate for yourself. And can switch at any time. Personally, I've been part of the 'commune' for awhile now and enjoy the hassle-free experience.

Becoming a SEAL is without doubt the best choice I've made on eRep. Without it, I very well might not be playing today. Certainly would not have advanced as fast as I have. And likely, would not have met the dedicated players I proudly call my teammates.


Now's the time. If you are looking for more, to travel, fight for the oppressed, help our allies, advance and be part of a unique team.

Fill out this application for review:

Or PM me if you have questions first...

&quot😉e oppresso liber"

Respectfully and at your service,

Julian Mizu

Other ways to contribute if you are unable to join:

If you would like to help your SEAL's, you can DONATE HERE. Anything helps and is greatly appreciated. Weapons, moving tickets, currency, you name it.

Thanks for reading and to everyone for the continued support.

Please vote, subscribe and share!