
Day 1,659, 05:59 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Okay I have been thinking about what to write an article on. I am almost always writing articles on the Union of Patriots as it is something so close to my heart. I wanted to write on something different, so I thought I would write on current eSA. But it just brings me back to writing about UP. So I will give in and write about something I love.

The Union of Patriots.

By far the most important aspect of eRepublik for me is the Union of Patriots. First and last thing I do is check the party page.
How it began?

Well Oprah Winfrey posted an article that the Independent Alternative is dead. Wow it caused a huge upset calling Oprah various names and causing mass outcry from IA. But all she was trying to do was get a response from the biggest party in eSA. The question was “why is politics dead” and more so in the main party of eSA. As people came to the realization that she (we later found out she is actually he) was only trying to stir activity in a dead political system. It made me ask questions.

I was happy OOPs member, gearing ready to become PP for the first time. I was very excited about doing things differently in my party and getting it to be a more effective party. Then I noticed a party in the eSA rankings the NU (National Union) struggling to stay alive with only 8 members. I then spoke to the then PP of NU Seisan and asked if I could join NU and help try and revive it. He said I could try but they were in the process of disbanding the party and getting it deleted (with Plato’s help).

But he agreed and asked if he could be excused from the party as he really wanted to join OOPs (I left and he joined… what a trade). I then got elected and there I was in charge of a dying party, 8 members and half of them Serb PTOers. I then got a message of hope for this struggling party – Wilpanzer1 my good friend joined, leaving behind a party he also loved the IA.

We went through a huge sifting process thinking of a name and looking for ways to go forward. The Union of Patriots was formed, many people marked at how similar it was to PSU but I couldn’t care I wasn’t the same and I was going to see the party to greatness. It went boom.

8 to 30 members in 2 weeks 375% wow (a third were PTO’s but it was still a huge increase.)We won 7 seats in congress on our first try (2 were PTOers the rest legit). I couldn’t believe it but more importantly is which people. In my manifesto of the Union of Patriots was something I believe is the core function of UP. New Players or maybe even inexperienced flocked to UP to get the opportunity of becoming something in eSA.

We saw new players taking congress seats on a large scale as well as members becoming involved in cabinet positions across the board we have seen growth in our younger players. Take a look at who is new in eSA and decide which party they are in. We then started seeing a lack in new to medium players. The two clickers and we can say we have actively linked medium players to the game and we are drawing them in slowly, step by step.

My dream compared to what it is becoming. I could never have dreamed of it being what it is and becoming. No offence to IA members (I know you love your party as much as I love mine) but we at UP will be the biggest party and we will affect eSA, in a positive way. I read the posts made on Stan’s article yesterday and I did what I have always said I wouldn’t do I defended UP and retaliated. I now realize that it is but moments left for IA in the spotlight.

It is UP’s time standing at 47 members today and increasing. We already control 13 seats in congress and it will be more next month.

So in conclusion, I am truly proud of UP and what it has become and is becoming. UP you rock!
