Released out of Mental Clinic

Day 1,468, 04:20 Published in Philippines Philippines by Marie von Gablitz

Two months after my presidential term and after many therapy I'm making my first comeback step
President function is the most ungrateful role in eRepublik, after presidential term you die or you hide from people and any kind of political influence.
I have chosen the second possibility, which ends now after two months of silent life.

Reasons that made me do this decision is the possibility for me to become First Pinoy Lady in december if my mushi Sigi wins 🙂

- Losing congress elections this month had also pulled the trigger and woke my interests into Philippines ecopolitical life.
Even I didn't put much efforts on my campaign I still can't forgive myself I let zombies to push me away this time (love you puppy Berri) 😁

One more phenomenon that hitted me as asteroid is reviving LUNA

President> We are reviving LUNA
President> Will you support it?
Marie> OMG
Marie> why
President> bcuz
Marie> who are the memebrs ?
President> PH
President> and PH
President> and....
Marie> who is interested to be a member
President> PH?
Prussia> and Prussia

From the Luna HQ according to Zombie law I found out which countries will be members of LUNA alliance




I'm back and same b... as before