Recurring Angrr

Day 902, 01:08 Published in Japan Japan by Angrr

There was once a nation who stood apart from all other nations in the New World.
A nation that dared to hold true to its righteous philosophies and stand strong, shoulder to shoulder with it's neighboring countries. "Asia first!" and other such cries were heard from every corner of this fine nation.

Unfortunately, I come here today with grave news.

That nation is dead.

If not dead, then dying, and at risk of twinking out of existence, replaced by the very thing it long fought against.

This article is not what some people want to see, and many people will read the first line and immediately skip to the comments where they will brandish words like traitor and treason.
It is not treasonous to speak your mind - even if you disagree with the mojority of your peers. Even if you disagree with the decisions of your elected officials.

I write here as a citizen who has long fought hard to preserve the innocence of eJapan. It seems that our philosophy of peace and neutrality, of goodwill to other surrounding nations who like ourselves are vulnerable to attack - has changed.
Has it sunk in yet that there is no way back to the righteous nation philosophy? We cannot conquer eSouth Korea and then pretend to be righteous again. That ship has sailed, and to board it again would invite ridicule and scorn.
So what does the future hold for eJapan? What do we live by now? Our constitution was built around this philosophy and must be redone from the ground up. Our relations with Asian countries were strong because we were all about Asia. Now we are a threat, and will likely be treated as such.

I was not active as this was being proposed / discussed, or you would have heard my voice raised against it. This thing has happened though, and we cannot undo it.
What I would like to know is how we move forward from here. Has it been considered? Is this truly a war just for "the lulz"?

For a variety of reasons, I have been largely inactive for 2 months.
Despite ongoing issues which will limit my activity - at least initially, I will make an effort to return to my previous levels of commitment.
I remain committed to our nation, and will rebuild the Ronin party - dwindling since I left - and once again lend my voice to the discussions about our nation.

Expect a re-launch of the Ronin party in a few days, after I get up to speed by reading through what I missed.

Party President, the Ronin.">