Quo vadis eAmerica?

Day 3,770, 17:30 Published in USA USA by Alphabethis

(This article is a rebranded, and adapted, version of an old article of mine but it is
a suitable introduction and my own declaration of principles ).

In case you didn't know, the rules of politics in this game, and in Real Life, are under the inevitable force of the "Iron Law of Oligarchies". If you have been around in the political module of this game, you need little more explanation:
a small core of 'friends' weave a secret link of favours for holding the power.

Well, the reference of the guy:


So, how did it get messed here in eUSA? Because, as americans, you know
that direct representativeness is the real democracy, that is, democracy is
no party lists. It is easy to see how this 'european' party list 'democracy'
produces political oligarchies that oblige you to be a party slave or a party master.
That's why I lost interest in politics in eUK, I didn't want to become a slave
or ... a master.

How can you revolt and claim for a representative democracy and split powers (that is, independent judge, legislative and executive)? Just do not vote, just do not mess into politics.

And yes, I joined a party... even so... do not vote... claim for your democracy.