que buen día que hace, esta lloviendo y las calles son ríos [ESP/ENG]

Day 4,200, 14:33 Published in Cuba Cuba by Isabel VI La Gobernadora

realmente no se como empezar este articulo, son muchos temas que quiero tocar, y no se por donde empezar, pero al final, todo es empezar por algo, por un punto en concreto, a lo mejor lo que quiero aclarar primero, es por donde quiero empezar, y creo que empezare por explicar un poco de mi eHistoria en este juego

Hace ya varios años, realmente ya ni me acuerdo de cuanto hace, o si, creo que estaba estudiando en la escuela de hostelería y turismo de girona, en si, estudie para trabajar en restaurantes, aunque siempre la política y la estrategia me había gustado, y vi este juego en publicidad del marca, y me apunte, queria ver de que se trataba, el juego decia ser de politica y estrategia, como un europa universalis, conquistar paises, hacer alianzas, etc..., me uni, estube en españa, me acuerdo de empezar en el partido hattrickero de eEspaña, aunque ya no me acuerdo ni de quienes estaban alli, se que me uni 1- porque jugaba al hattrick 2- porque el que era referido, me invito a ir.

pero al poco tiempo, me aburri de eso, y habia un partido que la liaba mucho, que era el partido eskerraindepe, y me intereso, fui alli, seguia siendo muy nuevo, y aun no sabia ni como funcionaba el juego (para ser sinceros, no me entere que españa tenia foro hasta que volvi a eEspaña despues de egipto LOL)

en EI, surgio un tema que era el de tovear un pais para hacer la nueva eCatalunya, habia varios candidatos, pero se opto por egipto, alli habia dos personas que movian la gente, itaita y naboal, los dos tenian una buena reputación de saber como tovear paises, entonces, ellos fueron los encargados de decidir ir a egipto, yo queria ir, porque no entendia eEspaña, y veia egipto como una opción de empezar todos de 0, y sumar y hacer algo grande...

pero rapidamente, vi como era el tema, no tenian CS de egipto para poderme dar, y preferian dar a gente que ellos conocieran mas o pudieran aportar mas segun ellos claro esta, la cosa, es que la unica alternativa que me dieron, fue que me creara una cuenta nueva en egipto, asi lo hice, mi cuenta la de españa, fue baneada obviamente, pero alli estaba, en egipto, y alli, eramos aliados de serbios, poco a poco, fuimos creciendo, pero el grupo de croatas que habia en egipto, tenian mas gente en sus filas, y mas luchadores, entonces, la cosa se hacia muy complicada, se toveo un partido en egipto para hacerlo nuestro, y naboal creo una MU y que no se sabe porque le cayo un tempoban por multicuentas, pero nadie sabe porque.... pero no nos desviemos...

la cosa era, que por ese entonces, yo seguia siendo muy inocente, aunque a dia de hoy, aun lo soy, confio demasiado en la gente, y a los nuevos, nos pidieron que si podiamos hacer cuentas con referidos de los demas, para asi poder aportar dinero de las cuentas creadas (multicuentas), yo, obviamente, seguia siendo un noob que no tenia mucha idea, así que lo hice, todo fuera por ayudar, (y lo que me lamento ahora de haberlo echo) pero bueno, me cree una nueva cuenta, y de golpe, recibi un baneo por multis, y a partir de alli, algunos me empezaron a llamar multillero, cuando fueron ellos mismos que me lo pidieron para ayudar, despues de eso, algo que fue aun mas hipocrita, se cambio de bando, y se aliaron con los croatas, para asi ser parte del gobierno, toveando a los serbios y egipcios que habitaban alli, hasta que al final, un par de meses despues, eran mas que los croatas, y como buena gente de confianza, tanto naboal como itaita decidieron primero, romper la alianza con los croatas y hacerse con el control de todo, y segundo, expropiar las orgs egipcias y robar todo el dinero que hubiera en las orgs, el cual era dinero de los croatas y no de egipto, y como buenas robin hoods, decidieron dar el dinero a los demas catalanes, PERO OJO! solo a los catalanes que les besaran el culo, porque ahora ellos mandaban, yo, como fui baneado por multis que ellos mismos me pidieron, se me nego siempre cualquier ayuda, nunca recibi nada en egipto, y siempre se me trato como basura, a lo mejor por esto, a dia de hoy me da asco leer gente como naboal o itaita, porque son gente que no tienen ninguna verguenza, que venderian incluso a su madre para ellos ganar algo.

el tiempo paso en egipto, y el poder corrompio a mucha gente, itaita y naboal se pelearon por el poder, haciendo que itaita robara todo, luego naboal llevo a cabo otro robin hood para sus amigos, en si, cada vez habia mas tension, y para colmo, borraron el foro de egipto, para que nadie supiera lo que esos dos hicieron en egipto, y que solo se supiera una verdad, la de naboal.

en si, cada vez me quemaba mas el tema, y estube pensando en dejarlo muchas veces, hasta que un mes, fui CP, tenia de ministros de economia y los unicos que tenian control de las orgs, costalsina y elbruch, a dia de hoy, sigo pensando que costalsina no tubo nada que ver, pero tambien se, que las claves eran las mismas que habia al mes anterior con sferrer de ministro de economia, y tambien se, que dias antes de que robaran todo el dinero de egipto, el ministro de economia elbruch recibio un permaban por multis, y que la org de la MU de naboal fue baneada por multicuentas y que no tenia ni un gold, pero yo pense que eso seria algo que habian echo, nunca llege a pensar lo que pasaria, a pocos dias de las elecciones, creo que fue 2 o 3 dias antes, me desperte con mensajes preguntandome que porque no habia dinero en las orgs, estaban todas vacias, y por alguna razon, sferrer por la madrugada estaba preguntando que a donde estaba todo el dinero, y las cuentas del estado, tenia mucha prisa, y yo me acababa de despertar, entonces, a lo mejor cometi el fallo mas grande en toda mi carrera en eR, que fue publicar un articulo explicando los echos, y señalando a naboal y sferrer como posibles culpables, ellos por su parte, dijeron que habia sido yo, y desde el dia de hoy me echan mierda y me tratan como basura, por algo que nunca he echo, si no fuera porque su cerebro es como la de un mosquito, hubieran visto, con el tiempo, porque a mi tambien me costo, que habia sido todo cosa de elbruch, pero ellos preferian echar la culpa a mi, a dia de hoy, me importan una mierda la verdad, yo nunca me he ensuciado las manos robando en la vida real, no lo hare en un juego con un dinero irreal.

pero la cosa no termino alli, envie un ticket a erepublik, y tardaron 3 semanas a contestar, diciendome que como ya no era el presidente, no tenia autorizacion, eso fue la gota que colmo el vaso, y a partir de ese dia, deje el juego, no queria saber nada de esto, donde la respuesta de la administración es un "no te diremos que paso con el dinero" te demuestra que classe de administración es.

hasta despues de un año, despues de un año, aligual que estaba dos clickers, me abrio por watsap para ver si estaba vivo, y me medio obligo a volver, volvimos, y tuvimos varias conversaciónes con griegos que querian tovear egipto militarmente (dictadura) pero no queriamos eso, queriamos un egipto democratico y tal, y ellos lanzaron dictadura(los griegos), nosotros, nos pusimos a luchar con todo, mientras que naboal, sferrer, y demas, fueron rapido a vender el gold de las orgs y llevarselo, porque segun ellos, el dinero de egipto, les pertenecia solo a ellos, asi que se lo llevaron todo, y nosotros, que estabamos gastando nuestro dinero luchando, decidimos desistir, viendo como naboal y compañia robaron una vez mas en egipto, y se largaban, y egipto terminaba en una dictadura.

con el tiempo, tengo que reconocer que naboal lo ha echo bien, a base de mentiras, ha conseguido que varias personas con un maximo de una aceituna como cerebro, le creyese su gran mentira, y que fuimos nosotros quien robo el dinero, cuando fue el quien se llevo el dinero de egipto, pero en si, en egipto ya no habia nada que hacer, a mi me propusieron ser ministro de exteriores o economia en la dictadura, pero preferi no involucrarme, y buscar otros horizontes, fui a colombia, fui a korea, y termine en españa.

alli en españa, fue algo complicado, no termine nunca de encontrar mi sitio, me apunte a la MU de armada española, porque tenia varios amigos alli, y al partido de gaurdia de la noche, porque siempre he sido un gran fan de juego de tronos, y era un partido bastante flexible.

con el tiempo, en la MU AE me termine quemando mucho con algunas peleas con algunos, y me sali de la MU y me fui a las FFAA,pero en tema militar, a mi solo me interesaba ser comandante para poner CO, y en las FFAA, me dieron esa opcion, asi que estube mucho tiempo en FFAA y no tenia intencion de moverme, a su vez, seguia en el partido guardia de la noche, donde aprendi muchas cosas, buenas y malas, y creo, que fue gracias a la gente de este partido, que soy el jugador que soy ahora, alli aprendi que se tiene que trabajar en conjunto, que no siempre hace buen dia para todos, y que siempre hay soluciones para todos, y como no, que no tienes que ganarte enemigos, si no terminaras perdiendo, gracias a la guardia, fui 2 veces candidato a CP, y gane unas elecciones, a CP, en un mes increible, en un mes, que queria callar muchas bocas, porque muchos no querian que yo fuera el CP, decian que robaria, y mentian mas que hablaban para que yo no ganara, y gane, y fue un mes con mucho trabajo, un mes que creo que superamos las expectativas con creces, en si, fue un mes bonito...

pero ese fue el ultimo mes, despues del mes de CP, en cual muchos de mis compañeros me felicitaron, la guardia, dio la cara por mi en todo el mes, y antes de las elecciones cuando me echaron mierda por todo, pero al terminar al mes, tube que echar un paso al lado, un paso que fue mas para agradecer al partido el apoyo que otra cosa, y aunque luego intente volver a ser CP, la oportunidad ya la tube, y no se me acepto esa vez, pero en si, mi tiempo en eEspaña ya habia terminado, estaba cansado y no sabia que mas hacer.

fue entonces, como don pato, marchao, nikola, entre otros, me empezaron a decir para ir a cuba, donde podria refrescarme un poco, y donde empezar de 0 otra vez, pero no lo tenia muy claro, basicamente, porque en cuba habia la misma gente toxica que me habia encontrado en egipto, y no queria volver a eso, pero muchos de mis amigos de eEspaña empezaron a ir a cuba, y al final cedi, nunca quise la verdad, preferia dejar de jugar que ver a esa gente otra vez, pero al final, la amistad lo puede todo, y alli estaba, en cuba, al principio no sabia a que partido ir, es mas, al principio no me queria poner ni en politica, solo queria tema militar, pero cuba era bastante aburrido para asi decirlo por entonces, alli solo teniamos una tw con mexico de tanto en cuando hasta que mexico decidia borrarnos, entonces, tube muchas invitaciones por parte de carlos r guzman y un serbio que al final demostro no ser lo que aparentaba lamentablemente, aunque eso es un tema que paso en nuestro partido, y lo resolvivmos como pudimos, y hasta hoy, he estado en cuba trabajando para lo que yo creo que es lo mejor para todos, que a lo mejor me equivoco? puede ser, pero es lo mejor que se.

a dia de hoy, y porque cuento todo esto? pues para poder entrar en los temas, el poder, siempre corrompe a las personas, las ansias de ese poder aun mas, y estamos en un punto, que parece que todo es valido, y no señalare a ningun partido, no señalare a ningun usuario, pero es tomar por tonto a la gente hacer algunas cosas y luego decir que "hay es que no pusimos por que lado" "pero tu hiciste un hit por el lado opuesto", que a mi me parece genial que venga gente nueva en cuba, cuantos mas seremos mejor, pero cuantos mas seremos, se refiere a que seamos todos juntos, no separarse del resto y decir que soys la mayoria o cosas por el estilo, que todo lo que digo se publique fuera de contexto, para echarme mierda sin parar.


pero es que ya la cosa sobrepasa lo absurdo, entrevistas manipuladas, donde se tapa respuestas y preguntas, donde las preguntas y respuestas son fuera de contexto, como puedes poner una pregunta con respuesta que va a continuacion de otra y que hace incapie o responde a algo que se ha dicho?

para que nos entendamos, yo digo que un partido es el que voy a puntuar peor, porque parecen una secta, ojo PARECEN, no dije en ningun momento que sea una secta, dije que parecen una secta, y luego a la siguiente pregunta, digo que en cuba en si, tenemos que trabajar todos conjuntamente, no querer ser mas, y que en si podemos tener un buen ambiente, pero claro, eso al que hacia la entrevista no le interesaba, y era mejor moverlo a otro lado para sacarlo de contexto, y poner que yo echaba mierda sin parar, cuando no fue asi ni un momento.

o porque no, decir que tengo miles de multis en cuba, y que soy el demonio, y lo mas irrealista, que van a contactar a paises como si fueran el gobierno, cuando en verdad no son nada de gobierno, y me escriben paises mandandome capturas diciendo que porque este jugador/jugadora les dice eso, y yo os digo, no es facil gobernar, se que hay muchas ganas, incluso parece que haya obsesion, pero gobernar es mas jodido de lo que parece, y este mes estoy de CP, porque nadie queria ser CP, preferian estar o ministros o en segundo plano, y es jodido, meses intentando llevar las relaciones exteriores mientras aguantas tanta basura que te tiran, y que parece que no se me tenga que tener respeto para nada, cuando yo siempre era el primero en respetaros, y a dia de hoy, aunque estoy hasta los "00" intento seguir haciendolo, y si, estoy ya muy quemado, seguro que lo vais a celebrar, porque a vosotros no os importa la gente, solo vuestra obsesion para ser gobierno, y echar mierda sin importar nada, gente nueva en cuba, echandome mierda cuando nunca he hablado con ellos.

pero no, no es por vosotros, vosotros soys uno mas del vaso, creo, que lo que me ha quemado mas este mes, ha sido las formas de tratar de algunos paises, a mi siempre, me dijeron que los paises anti asteria eran buenos, que los malos eran asteria, pero yo no entendia eso, desde siempre, tanto serbia, rumania, portugal, iran, siempre he tenido una gran colaboracion con ellos, y siempre me han tratado muy bien, nunca me han usado ni me han engañado en nada, en si, creo que son gobiernos muy amables y con quien se puede hablar, en cambio, a los que en teoria eran los buenos, en el ultimo mes, solo he recibido amenazas, extorciones, y mas amenazas, montenegro, turquia, arabia saudi, todo fue un "o nos dejas pasar, o hacemos como finlandia" (borraron a finlandia y les metieron trade embargo y mataron a la comunidad), y ahora en sudafrica, ha sido un "apartate queremos sudafrica para nosotros y si te borramos por el camino nos da igual", y estos resulta que me decian que eran los buenos? que amenazan con borrar de por vida a paises pequeños? enserio quereis borrar para siempre a una comunidad que ya es suficientemente pequeña?

en si, todo esto me cansa, en este ultimo mes, no he parado de tener ataques, y realmente, me puse a pensar si servia de algo continuar en este juego, no tiene sentido, viendo el menosprecio de algunos, tanto en el pais como fuera, es por esto, que he buscado una via de escape, una via de aire fresco un tanto mas light.

en si, este sera mi ultimo mes en gobiernos, voy a retirarme de gobiernos, y que los proximos gobiernos se espavilen, por suerte, tenemos un pais que ha funcionado muy bien, y que el CP, era rotativo, solo hacia falta alguien activo para ese puesto, y asi lo hicimos, asi que el proximo mes, el CP sera otro, pero en el gobierno, no voy a estar, eso si, no habran el champan aun, no sea que se os ponga mal.

atentamente girona f.c.


I really do not know how to start this article, there are many issues that I want to touch, and I do not know where to start, but in the end, everything is starting with something, for a specific point, maybe what I want to clarify first, is where I want to start, and I think I'll start by explaining a bit of my eHistory in this game, several years ago, I really do not remember what it does, or if, I think I was studying at the hostalary and tourism school in Girona, Yes, I studied to work in restaurants, although I had always liked politics and strategy, and I saw this game in brand advertising, and I jotted down, I wanted to see what it was about, the game was about politics and strategy, like a europeis universal, conquer countries, make alliances, etc ..., I joined, I was in spain, I remember starting in the hattrickero party of eEspaña, although I do not even remember who was there, I joined 1- because I played hattrick 2- because the one who was referred, invited me to r.

but after a while, I got bored of that, and there was a game that caused a lot, which was the eskerraindepe game, and I'm interested, I went there, it was still very new, and I did not even know how the game worked (to be honest , I did not know that Spain had a forum until I returned to Spain after Egypt LOL)

In EI, there was a theme that was to take a country to make the new eCatalunya, there were several candidates, but opted for Egypt, there were two people who moved people, itaita and naboal, both had a good reputation of knowing as tovear countries, then, they were the ones in charge of deciding to go to egypt, I wanted to go, because I did not understand eEspaña, and I saw egypt as an option to start all of 0, and add and do something big ...

but quickly, I saw what the theme was, they did not have CS from Egypt to give me, and they preferred to give people that they knew more or could contribute more according to them. Of course, the only thing they gave me was that I created a new account in Egypt, so I did, my account in Spain, was banned obviously, but there was, in Egypt, and there, we were allies of Serbs, little by little, we were growing, but the group of Croatians had in egypt, had more people in their ranks, and more fighters, then, the thing was very complicated, toveo a game in Egypt to make it ours, and naboal created a MU and you do not know because he fell a tempoban multicuentas, but nobody knows why ... but let's not stray ...

the thing was, that by that time, I was still very innocent, although today, I still am, I trust too much in people, and the new ones, they asked us if we could do accounts with referrals from others, so to be able to contribute money from the accounts created (multicuentas), I, obviously, was still a noob that did not have much idea, so I did, everything was to help, (and what I regret now I have done) but hey, I I created a new account, and suddenly, I received a ban by multis, and from there, some of them started calling me multillero, when it was they themselves who asked me to help, after that, something that was even more hypocritical, change sides, and allied with the Croats, to be part of the government, to take the Serbs and Egyptians who lived there, until the end, a couple of months later, were more than the Croats, and as good people of confidence, both naboal and itaita decided first, break the alliance with the Croats and take control of everything, and second, expropriate the Egyptian orgs and steal all the money that was in the orgs, which was money from the Croats and not from Egypt, and like good robin hoods, they decided to give the money to the other Catalans, BUT EYE! only the Catalans who kissed their asses, because now they sent, I, as I was banned by multis that they asked me, I was always denied any help, I never received anything in Egypt, and I was always treated like garbage, the best for this, today I find it disgusting to read people like naboal or itaita, because they are people who have no shame, who would even sell their mother for them to gain something.

the time passed in egypt, and the power corrupted many people, itaita and naboal fought over power, causing itaita to steal everything, then naboal carried out another robin hood for their friends, in itself, every time there was more tension, and to top it off, they deleted the Egyptian forum, so that no one would know what those two did in Egypt, and that only one truth was known, that of Naboal.

in itself, each time I burned more the subject, and I was thinking about leaving it many times, until one month, I was CP, had ministers of economy and the only ones who had control of the orgs, costalsina and elbruch, today , I still think that costalsina did not have anything to do, but I also know that the keys were the same as the previous month with the minister of economy, and also that, days before they stole all the money from Egypt, the minister of economy elbruch received a permaban by multis, and that the org of MU of naboal was banned by multicuentas and that he did not have a gold, but I thought that it would be something that they had done, never got to think what would happen, a few days before the elections, I think it was 2 or 3 days before, I woke up with messages asking me why there was no money in the orgs, they were all empty, and for some reason, sferrer by dawn I was asking where everything was the money, and the accounts of the state, I was in a great hurry, and I had just woken up, then, maybe I made the biggest mistake in my whole career in eR, which was to publish an article explaining the echos, and pointing to naboal and sferrer as possible culprits, they, for their part, said that It had been me, and from today they throw me shit and treat me like trash, for something I've never done, if it were not because their brain is like that of a mosquito, they would have seen, with time, because I too I cost, it had been all elbruch, but they preferred to blame me, today, I do not give a shit about the truth, I've never messed up my hands stealing in real life, I will not do it in a I play with an unreal money.

But the thing did not end there, I sent a ticket to erepublik, and it took me 3 weeks to answer, telling me that since I was not the president, I did not have authorization, that was the last straw, and from that day, I left the game, I did not want to know anything about this, where the answer of the administration is a "we will not tell you what happened with the money" shows you what type of administration it is.

even after a year, after a year, just as there were two clickers, I opened by watsap to see if he was alive, and I half forced to return, we came back, and we had several conversations with Greeks who wanted to toil Egypt militarily (dictatorship) but we did not want that, we wanted a democratic egypt and such, and they launched dictatorship (the Greeks), we, we started to fight with everything, while naboal, sferrer, and others, were quick to sell the gold of the orgs and take it away , because according to them, the money from Egypt, belonged only to them, so they took everything, and we, who were spending our money struggling, decided to give up, seeing as naboal and company stole once more in Egypt, and they were long, and Egypt ended in a dictatorship.

over time, I have to admit that naboal has done well, based on lies, has gotten several people with a maximum of one olive as a brain, he believed his big lie, and that we were the one who stole the money, when it was who took the money from Egypt, but in Egypt, there was nothing to do, I was proposed to be foreign minister or economy in the dictatorship, but I preferred not to get involved, and look for other horizons, I went to Colombia, I went to Korea, and I finished in Spain.

There in Spain, it was a complicated thing, I never finished finding my place, I signed up for the Spanish Army MU, because I had several friends there, and the gaudy party of the night, because I have always been a big fan of the game of thrones, and it was a pretty flexible match.

over time, in MU AE I ended up burning a lot with some fights with some, and I left the MU and went to the Armed Forces, but in military matters, I was only interested in being a commander to put CO, and in the FFAA, they gave me that option, so I spent a lot of time in the FFAA and I did not intend to move, in turn, I was still in the party guard of the night, where I learned many things, good and bad, and I think, it was thanks to the people of this party, who am the player that I am now, there learned that you have to work together, that does not always make good day for everyone, and that there are always solutions for all, and of course, that you do not have to earn enemies, if you do not end up losing, thanks to the guard, I was 2 times candidate to CP, and win an election, to CP, in an incredible month, in a month, I wanted to shut up many mouths, because many did not want me to be the CP, they said that I would steal, and they lied more than they talked so that I would not win, and I won, and it was a month with a lot of work, a is that I think we exceeded expectations by far, in itself, it was a beautiful month ...

but that was the last month, after the month of CP, in which many of my colleagues congratulated me, the guard, gave my face for me throughout the month, and before the elections when they threw shit all over me, but when I finished a month, I took a step to the side, a step that was more to thank the party for the support that something else, and although later try to return to be CP, the opportunity and tube, and I was not accepted that time, but Yes, my time in Spain was over, I was tired and I did not know what else to do.

it was then, like don duck, I walk, nikola, among others, they started telling me to go to Cuba, where I could freshen up a bit, and where to start from 0 again, but I did not have it very clear, basically, because in Cuba I had the same toxic people who had met me in Egypt, and I did not want to go back to that, but many of my friends from eSpaña started going to Cuba, and in the end I gave in, I never wanted the truth, I preferred to stop playing than to see those people again, but in the end, friendship can do everything, and there I was, in Cuba, at first I did not know which party to go to, it is more, at first I did not want to put in politics, I only wanted a military issue, but Cuba was quite boring to say it by then, there we only had a tw with Mexico from time to time until Mexico decided to erase us, then, I received many invitations from Carlos R Guzman and a Serb who in the end proved not to be what he unfortunately seemed, although that is an issue that happened in our party, and what we lived as we could, and until today, I've been working in Cuba for what I think is best for everyone, maybe I'm wrong? It may be, but it is the best that I know.

today, and why do I tell all this? because to be able to enter in the subjects, the power, always corrupts the people, the cravings for that power even more, and we are at a point, that it seems that everything is valid, and I will not point to any party, I will not point out any user , but is to take people for a foolish thing to do some things and then say that "there is no one to put on that side" "but you made a hit on the opposite side", that I think it's great that new people come to Cuba , the more we will be better, but the more we are, it means that we are all together, not separate from the rest and say that you are the majority or things like that, that everything I say is published out of context, to throw me shit without stop.


but it is that the thing already surpasses the absurd, manipulated interviews, where answers and questions are covered, where the questions and answers are out of context, how can you put a question with a response that follows another and that makes incapie or responds to something that has been said?

so that we understand each other, I say that a party is the one that I will score worse, because they look like a sect, they look SEEM, I did not say at any time that it is a sect, I said they look like a sect, and then to the next question, I say that in Cuba itself, we have to work together, not wanting to be more, and that we can have a good atmosphere, but of course, that the interview was not interested, and it was better to move it to another side to remove it from context, and put that I threw crap without stopping, when it was not like that even a moment.

or why not, to say that I have thousands of multis in Cuba, and that I am the devil, and the most unrealistic thing, that they are going to contact countries as if they were the government, when in truth they are nothing of government, and they write to me countries sending me you capture saying that because this player tells you that, and I tell you, it is not easy to govern, I know that there is a lot of desire, it even seems that there is obsession, but governing is more fucking than it seems, and this month I am from CP , because nobody wanted to be CP, they preferred to be or ministers or in the background, and it's fucked up, months trying to take external relations while you put up with so much garbage that they throw you away, and it seems that I do not have to have respect for anything, when I I was always the first to respect you, and today, although I'm up to "00" I try to keep doing it, and yes, I'm already very burned, I'm sure you'll celebrate, because you do not care about people, only your obsession to be government, and to take shit no matter what, ge I'm new to Cuba, throwing shit when I've never talked to them.

but no, it is not for you, you are one more of the glass, I think, what has burned me more this month, has been the ways of dealing with some countries, to me always, they told me that anti-asteria countries were good , that the bad guys were asteria, but I did not understand that, since always, both Serbian, Romania, Portugal, Iran, I have always had a great collaboration with them, and they have always treated me very well, they have never used me or cheated me in nothing, in itself, I think that they are very kind governments and with whom one can speak, on the other hand, to those who in theory were the good ones, in the last month, I have only received threats, extortion, and more threats, montenegro, turkey , Saudi Arabia, everything was a "let us pass, or we do like Finland" (they erased Finland and put them in trade embargo and killed the community), and now in South Africa, it has been an "apart we want South Africa for us and if we erase you on the road, it does not matter, "and these turn out to be the ones who told me they were good? that threaten to erase small countries for life? Do you really want to erase forever a community that is already small enough?

in itself, all this tires me, in this last month, I have not stopped having attacks, and really, I began to think if it was useful to continue in this game, it does not make sense, seeing the contempt of some, both in the country as it was, this is why I have looked for an escape route, a way of fresh air a little more light.

in itself, this will be my last month in governments, I will retire from governments, and the next governments will be spaviled, luckily, we have a country that has worked very well, and that the CP, was rotating, only needed someone active For that position, and so we did, so next month, the CP will be another, but in the government, I will not be, that is, there will not be a champagne yet, lest it get bad.

attentively girona f.c.

if you understand the google translate english, say me, cause I didn't understand a anythink