PTOs and Extremism

Day 633, 18:28 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

I would rather be writing about the war and how we can help the eUS, but because of a recent conversation, I am writing instead about eRepublik politics and hoping to air out a murky situation.

Game mechanics make political takeovers (PTOs) relatively easy to execute and a practical way to gain power at minimal cost. When used properly they can also help to make sure that the majority may be able to express their will against that of an oppressive party president (PP). Finally, it leaves the PPs of all parties accountable not just to their party members, but also to the country as a whole-- after all, it is the country the party is meant to serve, not the other way around. Fluid changes between parties help to assure that all parties remain at least nominally consistent with the will of the people and country it is meant to guide, while also safeguarding the citizens and members of various parties from being misled by their leaders. They do also have potential to do considerable harm as an act of insincerity. According to Ajay Bruno, the current PP of the Conservative Victory Party (CVP), "Ron Paul is running in the other CvP so we'll have a party even if you PTO us." So it seems to me that one of these PTOs is well underway and is being organized by political bully with less than the purest of intentions.

What is meant by "we'll have a party" is subject to interpretation. When PPs, such as that same Conservative Victory Party PP, claim that "This is MY party. I founded it!!," it becomes alarming to see what their intents really are and that they do not understand the purpose of elected representation. Instead of appearing concerned for the well-being of his party, this PP sounds like he is instead whining about losing power (EDIT: Has anyone noticed how much the CVP budget has shrunk in the last few days, on more ads for Ajay to run against other party members?). For any elected official to have no interests apart from the next election and maintaining power should invite criticism and accusations of strong-handed rule where representation, self-expression, and accountability of the elected exists in name only. No party should be allowed to exist like this.

In my time of playing eRepublik, it is clear to me that extremism on either spectrum is not applicable in this New World and often very faulty. The only way to progress in this game as a country is to work together, to have a continuous dialog promoting all viewpoints, and to seek consensus. To suppress, ignore, or instill fear in others or to constantly alienate opponents as Ajay has is no way to run a country or a party.

Fringe political movements have properties very similar to gaseous substances: when confined to a small space, they grow and fill their surroundings, but when released, they quickly dissipate and spectators are able to see how insignificant they really are. Similarly, a fringe party will grow and fester in a small container under an oppressive leader who blocks openness, transparency, criticism, and any sense of accountability. But when these parties and leaders are exposed and face nationwide scrutiny, they fade into obscurity and irrelevance. I am hoping that soon, the lid on the CVP will be opened and a wave of fresh air is able to enter.

I write this article as a conservative who is afraid that parties who identify themselves as "conservative" may become irrelevant because of one extremist party who ruins the conservative label for all. The CVP, the CvP, and the Libertarians amongst others should be working together; this new Conservative Victory Party under its creator and Supreme Being could be the greatest threat to conservatism in this country through his inability to work with others and seek a common ground.

That is why I will be voting for Jaxon Leith as a pragmatic conservative, because he has the proven ability to work with other parties and other leaders; to listen to opposing viewpoints constructively and promote dialog amongst different viewpoints; and he has the ability to keep the CVP from being cast as irrelevant. I am voting for Jaxon because as a conservative, I fear the discredit that conservatism will receive if Ajay is allowed to keep making a mockery of it. Most importantly, I am voting for Jaxon because he is a conservative in action and in principle, and not a conservative in name who waves a cloak of conservatism in order to veil his authoritarian ambitions.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf