Proposed Government for eBelgium

Day 1,049, 20:56 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello, eBelgium!

Several days ago, I promised you more details about what I would like to do as your Country President. Some of these have been discussed in my interview with Critically, but now I would like to share my choices for a cabinet and what I would like each of them to do.

Minister of Education and Culture
temujin94 brings to this position his experience as MoHA in eUK and ideas gleaned from his life in eUK, eCanada, and other places in the New World. He would be responsible for all training companies, information, society building and fun, and recruitment and retention. In the area of information, we would like to improve government communications with our citizens, including guidance for new citizens and regular updates on what has been happening in eBelgium. For society building and fun, there have been several ideas floating around from new citizens and some not so new citizens. We want to explore these and figure out which of them will work for us.

Minister of Finance
Boklevski also brings considerable experience, and has been actively sharing ideas with us since his arrival from eNL. His areas of responsibility would be budget, business development, state raw materials companies, inactive state companies, and employment.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Theneka will be using the international contacts and exposure he has developed over time, and especially in the last month, to lead this important area. He will be working with alliances, embassies, and MPPs, and will continue his attempts to bring us the long hoped-for training war.

Minister of National Security
Thore Thoreson will continue his work with the military, but with some added responsibilities.for immigration and intelligence. In the area of immigration, we would like to provide an advisor to Congress regarding applications for citizenship. Although this will be nonbinding, we hope that Congress members will take advantage of this to help avoid takeover attempts such as we have seen in several of our parties recently. In conjunction with this, multi-hunting will be a part of this ministry.

These are big jobs I am asking of these good men, and each of them will need deputy ministers and advisors. Several of our most respected citizens have already agreed to help, and we will be recruiting more. Volunteers will be welcomed, so if we don't ask you first, ask us! There are plenty of jobs available, and they can take as much or as little time as you are willing to share.

I want to thank all who have been supportive of this campaign, and wish the best of luck to my worthy opponent.