Presidial Elections - kb1992

Day 2,417, 09:26 Published in Norway Sweden by noenting

The presidial elections are to come. In a series the Fennoscandian is presenting the candidates of the different parties in interviews to the citizen of Norway. Today, we invited kb1992, the candidate of the Norwegian Green Party.

Fenoscandian: kb1992, you are the Norwegian Green Party's candidate for the office of the President of Norway. How does that feel like - can you explain that feeling as a color?
kb1992: Green as grass on which we stand, changing into blue as the sky we want to reach 😉

Fennoscandian: Concerning green, your party president recently called to paint the congress green - Will you change the Norwegian Flag to green, yellow and dark-green as is the case in your party logo, if you win the election?
kb1992: No, this would break the ideal composition, which together form the flags of Asgard countries. I'm an esthete.

Fennoscandian: Norway has not been participating in this year's Football World Cup, so we cannot ask you about that - but what is your favorite Norwegian football club?
kb1992: I like Brann, because of the Polish goalkeeper 😉
Fennoscandian: And which team, do you think, will win Eliteserien this year?
kb1992: Maybe Rosenborg will advert to its hegemony years?

Fennoscandian: We did some research on the web and found something on the web. Is this your campaign ad?
kb1992: It can be, yes. Very nice scenes 🙂

Fennoscandian: Do you want to win the election or do you want to lose it?
kb1992: Since I'm the only candidate, I don't have much choice 😃

Fennoscandian: If you win the elections, will you give a party somewhere, and will you invite the journalists of the Fennoscandian? We would bring some Finnish Vodka if invited...
kb1992: The party will be take place after the successful term. Everyone is invited.

Fennoscandian: Will the party take place as well, if you lose? Vodka offer still stands so think of it...
kb1992: Well, if something will go wrong, vodka will be necessary... to forget 😃

Fennoscandian: Have you ever been to Norway in real life?
kb1992: Unfortunately I was never in Norway. But I am full of respect for the richest country in Europe 😉
Fennoscandian: That is for sure something Norwegians love to read.

Fennoscandian: Will you give signed post-cards to all of your voters and admirers?
kb1992: I think my voters expecting good governance rather than post-cards. And really, do I have any admirers? 😃

Fennoscandian: How often do you plan to give audiences to the public?
kb1992: The whole month is the one big audience, everyone can say what's on their mind.

Fennoscandian: Will you enhance the speed limit or keep it at 80/100km/h ?
kb1992: I will abolish it!

Fennoscandian: Will you invite the pope to Kristiansand?
kb1992: Why not? I suppose it is warm enough there, this time of year 😉

Fennoscandian: And a final question - will the Fennoscandian become the country's only recognized newspaper, if you win?
kb1992: In the field of entertainment for sure.
Fennoscandian: We thank you for this interview and your time, kb1992.