Poronkaristys and Prekmurska gibanica are great Q5 Food combination

Day 1,047, 03:01 Published in Finland Croatia by eTomislav

Few days ago, I was going thru the news of the eWorld, and have seen there was no news at all in eFinland. That was my original article (I think it suits much better the ‘weekend edition’):

I came to see the Top rated news in eFinland and saw there are currently no articles at all in your beautiful country.

What came to my mind? 'Oh, my article can be, at least for the moment, No.1 article somewhere in the eWorld.' xD

Noooo. I'm on a sort of a 'Road Show' with my newspaper throughout allied countries, trying to give something to each allied eNation (at least a sort of personal introduction) and trying to get few new Subscriptions to my paper, followed by new eFrienships. Slowly advancing to MMM, and only by personal effort and Votes and Subscriptions from people in good faith.

Well, for at least some time, my paper (Article) will be your guest here.

I have found something in eFinland what attracted my view. Looks great:

Maybe you'd find one North Croatian traditional cake tasty? The name is Prekmurska gibanica. Here it is:

I think Poronkaristys and Prekmurska gibanica present real Q5 food combination.

Hope you find this article interesting enough to give this paper V&S, it is going to be 'in air' for some time now here, so there is a chance to send eFriendship requests as well, because, when we're connected directly, we see each other Shouts we can act faster on the matters what makes us overall more affective in the game. I think, your honorable CP TTi09 can confirm the power of personal connections and the value of it. I'm aware of the value of personal international allied connections, especially in more critical situations.

With best regards from eCroatia,
