Pizza Cannot Into Colorado

Day 1,344, 03:31 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

I'm a little premature releasing this article. The elections won't be final for another 2 1/2 hours, but I feel reasonably certain that PTH will have more multies, err... non-eligible voters than either Animis or Jamarcus. Look for yourself to see what the final tally is in Colorado. Congrats to the two qualified winners BTW.

Road trip!

To The Bigger Picture

The Colorado Rockies are big, real big, but in this game Pizza The Hut is bigger. His ego is bigger. His mouth is bigger. His willingness to lie and cheat is bigger. You name it, everything is bigger about PTH. (Except his ePeen. It is tiny, so I am told.)

Expect this for a few days:

Pizza pictured after loosing yet another election.

Before you go all feeling sorry for him, let me explain something. He is seeking sympathy. Normally that is not an unexpected thing from someone who is hurt. The problem is he's not "hurt", he's mad, pissed if you will. He seeks, even craves power and control. Why is that so bad you ask? Let me explain for those that don't know what I'm talking about. Go visit the wiki about Ajay Bruno. This is the official eRep wiki link, not my words. His first account ended in a permanent ban.

The horse's lawyer contacted me, but I refused to take down this picture. Now he's suing me.

Then the story continues as Pizza The Hut is born. Be advised that the wiki link given is being disputed for reasons of neutrality and several items in the article are unreferenced. I provide it only for entertainment purposes. It has clearly been doctored. There is no mention of the many attempts by Pizza to PTO various parties and no mention of the illegal Hungarians he let into the country while in Congress.

To Finish This Off

Here is Pizza's article with which he attempts to orchestrate yesterdays Congressional election. This is yet another scheme to circumvent the system and take control of our little part of a browser game. Pay attention to the coercion and manipulative tactics he openly uses.

If none of this presentation has convinced you that I am right, I ask you as a reasonable reader, to consider one thing. How many times have you seen EVERYONE in a given situation, agree on one thing?

> Kemal Ergenekon - INCi Party member - The United States Special Forces
> N I K A N - Libertarian Party President - Airborne
> Animis - United States Workers Party member - The United States Special Forces
> Talio Extremist - Federalist Party member - Easy Company
> Jon Malcom - United States Workers Party member - World Wide Whitehead Radio
> Thedillpickl (me) - United Independents Party Vice President - Easy Company

These six of seven posters to Pizza's article are not all from the same party or military group, yet they agree that he is not to be trusted. Think on that for awhile. Let it sink in.

The seventh poster disagrees with the other six and was happy to vote for PTH. Americk, eRepublik birthday Apr 24, 2011, Experience level 23, Land of Americk: 19 buildings. Coming along quite nicely for someone who's only been playing eRep for three months. And really Ajay use some better avatars, where do you get this crap.