Online Patterns and eRepublik

Day 2,169, 03:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Botism, Obsessive compulsive players, implanted players, soft attacks, super players,group pressure and win algorithms are all terms that is relevant in any online game.

But how does this affect you the online player who just uses a game to relax and as a excuse to drink a few beers before your screen.

Ever wondered how a poker site can have 2000000 players constantly playing, why there is certain players that is just over the top and they never get perma banned, how a player can be seemingly on the game 24/7 and how some players can win 1000 Battle hero medals. Furthermore how do you exact revenge on a site that banned you seemingly without reason.

Part 1: Group Pressure, Selling lies using false positives, Obsessive compulsive players and Soft Attacks

Group Pressure

In the last month James Keiler misused his position and status to influence all other players. In IRC chats and pm's he simple told everyone to not vote my articles and how I know apparently attacked D & T with porn and others with pedophilia attacks. Its strange how quit he was on the topic when we showed quite convincingly that no 12 yo is allowed. He brought out an article where he said treat trolls this way: apparently trolls is starving for attention. Strange that I can draw on 8 votes per article but never really bother with all of my articles. Simply put i dont really crave attention I usually try and amuse myself. For this purpose zero votes would also do. In this method he used classic divide and conquer tactics. first divide your opponents into easily defined groups:trolls gothca. Make everyone understand who these so called trolls is. Now write a manual on how to handle them. Its strange that my recent article had 54 comments but only 9 votes. Its strange how suddenly the media section is dieing. Why? Simply put if you write articles about what is not allowed and people do comply with it you just get " ". Players should be free to troll others. Players should be furthermore free to enact characters choose sides and play their side hard. That is all that Kurgan is doing. He is anti Orcs and pro Ireland. MrConway is pro orcs and anti Ireland. One is defined a troll and shunned other is carried on your hands as some kind of hero. Well done Ireland : Way to lose the plot entirely thanks to James Keiler.

Selling lies using false positives

Lets break the truth behind Louth: The argument a classic sweetie argument who now also convinced Bhane is that we should give eUk our regions that borders Poland. The lie that we are being sold is complicate😛 Poland must conquer any regions that is lieing on its borders, Poland will not conquer euk regions, thereby by giving a region away we stop Poland. That is some facts how true they are you will have to decide on yourself. However Poland do not simply conquer any region that borders on it, Poland is part of a larger alliance TWO, eUk is part of the same alliance, they respect each others wishes(we must assume :no evidence to the contrary) Therefore when Spain bordered us they laughed at the lie that was being sold to us and said but we will not simply conquer you:we are part of an alliance who we attack is discussed and ok'ed by all partners. If a partner says No we will respect this and not take the region(basics of diplomacy). Therefore we need not give a region to eUk their word and good faith should be enough. If we have an understanding with them this understanding will be upheld by them in their dealing with their alliance else the contrary is ridiculous. How so if a alliance member of TWO would take a region contra eUk's wishes that means they could just take the region from eUk as well and say step aside brother we want eIreland. Why? euk(1`718 players) is little spoon and ePoland(8'718 players) is big spoon. Little spoon do not tell big spoon who they beat up. Big spoon tells little spoon afterwards why he beated up someone. And the fact is we had that region for about a week or so. ePoland if really interested could have taken it already. Obviously they consider eIreland as regions you need eUk's approval to take.

Louth gives fruits to eUk alone. Although Shannon also gives us fruit. But its simple eUk had a economic interest in Louth and not the creation of a political "buffer" that was proposed by sweetie and now Bhane. Their word of mouth should be enough for a "political buffer" . In fact behind the scenes eUk do not need to block us of as their joint membership of the TWO alliance safeguards us as long as we are on amicable terms with eUk. Hence the conclusion to be made is that Louth was sold or leased to eUk and that is why Bhane told me "do not fight in the louth battle its to our mutual interest to let them take it" I smell a rat and its stinking downwind something awful. Its not beneficial to eIreland no some players profited and I'm afraid that one of our most esteemed politicians was bought. Given his considerable assets we are talking a considerable take and for a considerable time length. A situation eIreland can only break by stopping another seanan, ian, sweet drinker, brian boru and appleman term.

Them nuts

During my tribal wars days I learned most of soft attacks as well all of the categories above. Please bear in mind that this discussion will eventually swirl down to eRepublik . Its just in these games its so much more transparent. In eRepublik one don't really know about these cases: for example search the polish army and then captains there is a player that has reached 1126 Battle Hero medals. But how did he do it you may ask.

Comparing yourself to him: Take your average day and divide your activities 😒leep 8 hours, eating about 1 hour, work 8 hours and then family time /television time - another 3 hours , exercise and relaxation 1 hour, leaving 3 hours. That seems massive but is not actually as other Internet games and activities will join in this time.

Take now your nut players: Sleep 6 hours game time 18 hours.

Yes I have in tribal wars and Trevian several times asked a person how did you get 2000 cities. These players as confessed by themselves target games: what they will do is select a game and then form a group of say 2 to 6 players. These players pool their resources and play the game 24/7 about. Whilst you are at work whilst you are sleeping whilst you are relaxing they are crunching this game 24/7. And that how they reach these impressive results. Mostly they do it simply as a challenge. Sometimes to sell their accounts. I mentioned the player that reached 1126 BH medals we will do a breakdown of that numbers shortly

Soft attacking a group/other online games/etc.

Face it sometimes a game/group /organisation sometimes just reach a point of impasse between them and players, users. They want the player , user to act in manner so and player , user wants to act in a manner directly opposed to their wishes. This is the classic case where there will be retribution towards player/user. I used to be part of a game where if you angered the users of a forum the moderators would scrutinize everything you posted and interpret it in such a fashion that you get banned within a day even if your on penalty point 1 of 10 you would hit point 10 within a few hours. In Erepublik I find that lately there has been some trend towards this or perhaps we have become intolerant of each other and multiple times report articles/comments. A classic lets see who gets perma banned first. Which is a bad thing. As often this now lead to soft attacks.

Soft Attacks

A soft attack is any attack using a web browser or normal programs. I saw with MrConway case that no steps was taken to ensure the basics of any survey: "Can my results be messed with". MrConway's survey using Google docs can be broken by duplicating your tabs or opening multiple versions of your browser. A fact that I verified after the break in was reported.

I also checked Stilpo's survey - it did have protection from soft attacks but did not really protect against a dynamic ip assignment (no software required) or ip hiding software.

How do we protect ourselves. Its very easy 😃O NOT RUN SURVEYS!

Stilpo is clearly a professional in this regard and his articles is very difficult to follow for a person that finds it kinda boring. MrConway efforts fell on his face and he was effectively made to SHUT UP.

Colby I also found it weird that a survey has a no choice question😛est article. Colby don't be so lazy. Simply put up a few articles and let the people vote on them. But where is the results of these sorbets:where stilpo and colby flamooxed and bamboozled with the honesty of the people?

Did some mischievous little fox ruin their results? I guess we will never know.