Oh you cheeky Canadians!

Day 1,444, 11:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Today wasn't a very good day for me, had to move to Cyprus to help them out for personal reasons, I have a debt to pay off from the eUK bank and 300 health points are not enough. But something changed all that and in the next paragraph I will tell you what happened to me that made me laugh out loud or 'LOL'.
I got a letter off the former Canadian Prime Minister (LeBlanc) who told me to vote for Alfagram. Please comment below if you see this problem too. Why would I vote for a candidate who has friends who are Canadian and are quite high up? Maybe it's the depression that's getting to me but don't we hate the Canadians. I am worried that Alfagram might rat us out to the Canadians and allow the Canacs to invade as much as they like. Bit stupid on Alfagrams side I think. That is why I will be voting for Temujin94, who has some great ideas.
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