Nove mi(e)sije... (ENG/SRB) + EDIT! (DODATNA MISIJA)

Day 1,485, 05:00 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ljubo Hartman

Hurry up! This mission expires on Day 1505/ Požurite! Misije ističu 1505. dana

Stock up for 2012

- Work to gather 2011 products until the end of the year/ Proizvedi 2011 proizvoda do kraja godine

Rewards/ Nagrade:
1 and 1

Become stronger for 2012
Train more, get stronger.

- Train at least 11 times until the end of the year/ Treniraj najmanje 11 puta do kraja godine

Rewards/ Nagrade:

Have a big meal
Consume food in order to be healthy.

- Eat food and recover 2011 health by the end of the year/ Pojedi hrane I obnovi 2011 poena zdravlja do kraja godine

Rewards/ Nagrade:

Enter 2012 as a true patriot
Fight more for your country to higher its glory.

- Defeat 300 enemies by the end of the year for Serbia/ Pobedi 300 protivnika Srbije do kraja godine
- Have 10 bazooka in your storage/ Poseduj 10 bazuki u skladištu

Rewards/ Nagrade:
30 and 3

Get your best stats before 2012
Your profile is your business card! Get some stats on it!

- Surpass your current top damage in a campaign before the end of the year/ Prestigni svoj trenutni rekord najviše nanešene štete u jednoj kampanji do kraja godine

Rewards/ Nagrade:

Get into the top
Be in top! Stay in top!

- Finish 3 times in top 5 damage in a battle/ Završi 3 puta u top 5 po količini štete u bitci
- Fight in 3 different campaigns/ Bori se u 3 različite kampanje

Rewards/ Nagrade:
1 and 1

Evo još jedne misije, koja je izašla malo jačim igračima, koji su već rešili nekoliko misija...

Ne znam još koja je nagrada u pitanju, ali sam siguran da je glupa koliko i ostale...

Hvala ExZilYon-u za sliku i obaveštenje.