Notes from 16 Wetstraat/Rue de la Loi

Day 1,051, 20:02 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello eBelgium,

While many of you are dreaming of winning glory in battle, I am looking out at the streets of Brussels and thinking of you. I am honored by the overwhelming support I received from you in yesterday's election, and I want to do my utmost to justify the confidence you have placed in me. I am sorry I have not been as visible as I would have liked today, but I have not forgotten you, nor have the ministers of our new cabinet, who have been working hard with their energetic and creative teams to enhance your eLives.

In the Ministry of Education and Culture, temujin94 has assembled a crew of underministers to help you to grow and have fun, and has plans to help people who are interested in government but inexperienced to learn the ropes.. He is also working to institute a mentoring program and already has several excellent volunteers.

In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Theneka and ThomasRed are already working to find opportunities for you to fight and have presented a possibility that is being debated in Congress. If you are interested in this, please visit the national forum. All citizens have access to congressional debates, so you can keep informed on what they are doing. Also, please feel free to leave comments on this below, or to contact my by PM.

We are also in the process of assembling a Supreme Court, something that has not been done in eBelgium before, although it is set up in our Constitution. The judges will be some of our most respected citizens, and their names will be announced as soon as all seats are filled.

I would like to recognize that not all the activity has been in government. We have a new light in eBelgium, Victoria Diets, whose innovative journalism has caught many eyes in the past couple of days and who has announced the opening of our own eBelgian art gallery. Check it out in her newspaper, De Dagaraad. Inspired by her initiative, I would like to offer special recognition each week to a citizen who has contributed something new and interesting to our society in eBelgium. I will be watching to see what you can do.

Lastly, I would like to announce that I will be available on National Chat and IRC for any citizens who would like to speak me on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from approximately 8 in the morning game time to approximately 9 game time. You are also welcome, of course, to contact me by PM at any time.

Have fun!

Hail Aldous!