Not just a single clicker anymore

Day 2,574, 22:42 Published in USA Russia by Chandlerz12345

Making the first steps out of the shadows seems to be hard for a lot of players in Erepublik. Hell, Ive been playing since 2009 and I'm sure not a damned person has ever even heard of me. I guess it always was just easier sitting back, working, training, fighting, and minding my business letting everyone else do all the work. Not anymore though.

I really should be studying for my finals this week, but writing this article really gave me the excuse I was looking for to stop. After all it was 1:45am and what crazy sob would write an article but me.

I have made my first steps out of the e-shadows. Hello e-world, get ready for Chandlerz12345.

Just like Ron Swanson, I am ready.