News from Bulgaria

Day 1,336, 13:29 Published in Croatia Mexico by S E R E N I T Y
Hello, friends !
First of all i want to thank to eCroatians for the good and cordial relationship behaviour to me and to all bulgarians , who asked for help.
You know that eBulgaria is suffering hard and difficult times.
But today, when i was reading our press i realized that our government and a lot of our congressmen are trying to make something unthinkable...
They want a peace treaty with Turkey. Yes, peace treaty.
And that treaty is absolutely humiliating for eBulgaria and its citizens.
I really hope that idiotic treaty will never be signed.
We are proud nation, we dont want to be conquered , but fighting 2 months and in the end doing such a bullshit is absolutely pathetic move....
I hope that now you know what bulgarians are.........