New Missions

Day 1,128, 07:03 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

As you've probably noticed by now, the admins just added some new holiday missions. The hardest one would probably be "Winter Holidays: Going on vacation" so i'll provide some help with that.

goal one: Be located in a country for which you do not have citizenship.

simple enough. all you need is some moving tickets and you'll be good.

goal 2: Be located in a region where Deers can be found.

this complicates things, but have no fear, Canada is here! Or more specifically, Manitoba. The Canadian deer region just north of the US. In fact, for a lot of states, all it takes is a q1 moving tocket to get there.

pretty cool right? So all you have to do is stuff your citizen's face with 300 health worth of food and buy some moving tickets.