My First Day in The Golden Office

Day 5,194, 02:50 Published in USA USA by Kody5

Well, I made it.
I have accomplished the last thing I had left on my eLife bucket list and I have you all to thank for it. So thank you to the 130 people who clicked on my name when you voted on the 5th. I owe you one.

However, I don't want this to just be an accomplishment as it is. I don't want to disappear behind my buttons and my telegram rooms for the entirety of my term. I want to give this an honest shot. I've spent 10 years on this crappy game so I may as well give you all the best I can.

I'd like to tell you about two things today. How my first day went as president and a rough outline on what me and my cabinet want to bring to you guys for this month.

I'll start with my first day in the oval office. It consisted of pressing various buttons, shaking various hands, and organizing my cabinet.
I started my day yesterday a little slow. Sundays are a busy day for me so I was wiped more than usual the day after. I started by figuring out the buttons when it came to initiating battles. With Help from Thee Dude that wasn't too difficult to figure out. I then expanded my telegram channel coverage from about 5 to 35 in 10 minutes. Channels for almost every country we are in an alliance with.

I then spent a considerable amount of time begging Paul to join me on telegram. He hates technology, so it was like explaining a wheel to a hamster. Eventually he gets it, but sometimes you've got to push him along a little.

After that and the confusion of new CPs getting into office across the eWorld. We started to work with our alliance in ASTERIA. We have launched a law against Croatia in order to take the fight to our most direct enemy. The goal of this is to drain the enemies resources. If we manage to land our attack even better.

The day was busy and slightly overwhelming in terms of the expansion of my contacts and the many channels I've now been forced to be apart of, but I think I've got the hang of it so far. The most challenging part is organizing battles in terms of when we want them to start, when other countries want them to start, and when the best time it is to start them. It's not a hard thing to do, but it can be time consuming.

Now that you know what I've done, id like to tell you a little more about what I want to do.

Here's the plan. Id like to focus on three things in my term, three things that I find to be critical for my goals this month.

First is communication, articles like this, and articles that PQ was able to put out. I want to tell you guys about my day to day operations. Why we start battles, why we fight in them, and how we plan to go about them. I want you all to be in the know as much as possible for your enjoyment or mostly mine since I seem to enjoy writing about all this.

Second is fun with interior programs. I want to take a hard look into what programs we can either start or expand depending on what we can afford. I know the amount of players and money the country has might be dwindling, but I'd like to expand this as much as possible where we can. I want to get a solid idea of whether or not we can do this by the end of this week so we can get it started as soon as possible. I will enlist Paul, DMJ, and Evry as my interior ideas group since they love numbers so much.

Third is a military focused goal. I can't promise anything specific as working with our alliance and fighting together as team players is my main goal. However, I will keep my best eye out for targets that can help our alliance and rouse interest in our citizens. Wars that can be fun and important at the same time. I know we all love training wars a lot, but real wars are always fun. It's always fun to combine the meta of articles and wars so I want to do my best to bring fun, real, and interesting battles to you all.

Now it's time for my final thoughts. I would like to thank you all again for electing me. I love a close race but its certainly more fun when you're the one who wins in the end. I will do my best to stay invested in the course of our eCountry for the entirety of my term. I've seen cabinets disappear halfway through the month many times and I don't want myself or my team to be the way.
I can see the excitement that the election brought to our country and I want to ride that feeling for as long as I can, for the enjoyment of us all.