Moriya report - Hakurei festival and introduction.

Day 1,639, 13:12 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Rin Orin Kaenbyou

Rin here~

In Moriya reports i will write about my party's cultural events and programs.

And today i will present the Hakurei festival.
Which i hope will become this party's main event and a popular event in eNippon as well!

The Hakurei festival is a week-long cultural festival that will be organized by Moriya Jinja.

Here is a short overview of the festival activities:

1st: Hakurei festival is an manifestation with no profit in mind whatsoever.

2n😛 During the Hakurei festival , Touhou related and non Touhou related cultural articles are encouraged.

3r😛 RP interviews made by Aya and other Touhou characters will be posted. They would interview other Touhou characters and other Anime/Manga characters.

4th: Hakurei festival will last for 7 days.

5th: During the Hakurei festival , food and weapons will be donated accordingly to the budget , no money will be kept .

6th: If Chise agrees , her quizzes would be published , the quickest would be awarded with symbolic rewards. The questions wouldn't be limited to Touhou characters if Chise would agree.

7th: Participation in the organization of Hakurei festival is not limited to Moriya Jinja and Gensokyo forces members.

8th: Further improvement of the idea is encouraged and should be done via PM or in the Moriya subforum.

9th: All funds for the Hakurei festival well be made via donations.

Moriya section:

Now a bit about what will Moriya Jinja become.

By all means i mean to make Moriya Jinja a fun party based on cultural events and of course Touhou.

We will deal with Country politics , but we will focus on culture.

Our official MU is Gensokyo forces , and as such also isn't a serious MU , but more of a place to meet people and make friends.
Also you can learn something about Touhou while at it!

I hope this was an informative article , and i hope you will join the Hakurei festival event!

Also i will accept donations for the festival from now on , please donate Food , JPY or weapons!
