More Doe in New Brunswick

Day 1,065, 10:03 Published in Canada Canada by Christian Doe

The following is to announce my candidacy for Congress in New Brunswick on October 25th. As always, I'll be running under the EPIC banner, having been a social democrat since my beginnings in Canada. I bring my experience as a military officer and as a Quebec congressman. Below is my one-liner platform.

Lulz: This country really needs a little entertainment, and people get elected for their clown skills, however jokes should not be at the electors' expense. Red Coats and Mimes are just fine on the other hand.

War: I'm against war really, PvP especially. Won't somebody please think of the children? Give two-clicking a chance.

Taxes: You don't understand them, I couldn't figure it out either. So let's just not get into any economic reform shit.

Languages: The language barrier is just some random reason to argue together. If it wasn't language it would be something else. Like music tastes, or personal hygiene. Let's not make a big deal out of it.

New Brunswick: Also called Nosytland, New Brunswick is the home of some of the proudest French Canadian communities in the country, and deserves my admiration. Nice vacation spot too, so close to PEI and NS.

New Zealand: We need a law that deals with the expatriates who will eventually return from New Zealand after losing their elections. Please suggest an appropriate punishment in the comments.

That being said, be sure to vote on October 25th!