More Changes to eRepublik

Day 1,186, 04:07 Published in Australia Norway by Mikhail Alexander

Hey guys, Admin deleted my last article because it contained public debates, so I've had to reword some bits to make it more like its meant to be 😒

This information was certified by an Admin.

New shouts system

* Shouts are to be placed on homepage (as before) (only for citizens)
* For posting - text area, max 160 chars (automatically parse links). No font, bold or size BBCode allowed to be used, Post button changed to comment.
* Comments are a max of 480 chars
* you see - last 10 friends posts (including yours), ordered chronologically (newest first)
* "Older posts" button - display the next 10 posts - max posts displayed = 100
* Each post will have comments
* you can only post once in 10 minutes (a post)
* you can delete posts (your own) (also the comments of that post are deleted)
* you can delete comments (your own)
* organizations, cannot post, cannot see shouts system
* for organizations - if organization owns at least one company: HOMEPAGE redirects to My places > Company (which now directs to "My land)
* organizations are removed completely from the friends system

Citizens with no friends

This will only show if the citizen has no posts from friends.

2 options to find/make friends:

* Find friends
* Recommended friends

Find friends... is the same as the current system... (import contacts from email, see if any of your contacts are playing eRepublik)....

For recommended friends:

List Congress members of the region citizen is located in:

* Avatar
* Citizen name
* "Congressman of $Region"

Time in eRepublik

Time is going to be fixed up a little bit, not a lot.

* "$x minutes ago" if * "$hours ago" if * "Yesterday" if * "$x days ago" if less than 7 days
* "Day $x, $time" else (e.g."Day 1100, 12:55")

For a brief, they have taken the comment idea from Facebook and Twitter. Fixed up a system where newbies can make new friends and fixed up the time section for shouts.

Also for those of you, who would like your shouts on the right and have Firefox and Greasemonkey, this script will fix the problem.

Vote and subscribe for more information in the future 🙂