Ministry of Censorship and Government Interactions

Day 1,965, 18:36 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Hello people.I am Parth Datar.As most of you know we have no congress and the cabinet threads are not available to public.So unless the information is revealed to public it is almost as if the cabinet members get away with murder.So what I want is we make a ministry of censorship and government relations which censors officials and desicions which would be revealed to citizens immediately.Please cabinet ministers endorse this ministry and people join this ministry for a non corrupt India.And shall we reflect what happened during the CBI theft, the discussion was not revealed to public for 2 days.I know cause I was there and I didn't have the guts to reveal it first.This is where this ministry comes in and all information if confirmed will be revealed immediately.So again please join.