Middle East [ MoFa ]

Day 3,076, 13:45 Published in Egypt Egypt by Ruthless Warrior

Hello dear friends

I hope you are all well....

As you all know, today was a busy day in the Middle East, and thanks to the full support of our allies and brothers it was a success. Now a breakdown of the events:

We proposed Israel as NE first :

And after our NE law,Canada proposed them as target for AS :

As u know we started our war and tried to ignore Canada but their fighters started tanking against us, It's not the whole story though... After 3 or 4 rounds,Canada opened it's war with Israel, but once they realized war was going haywire that guy from Canada put CO for Israel so we did same 🙂 Their CP contacted me to let them land... I told him I don't have any problem, Just remove COs from our war then u can land easily but he didn't. Despite his CO we won enough rounds to be successful, looking at this sh*t storm Canadian started insulting our dictator ....because of this "nice gesture" from him, we decided to kick Canada away, that's why i put COs against them, Finally, as u saw we won the war...

Allies and Friends, You showed the power of the friendship once againm I'm proud to have allies and friends like you...

Some honorable Photo :

A special thanks to Russian gov , I can say nothing...U were awesome ...
They are one of the best countries in eRep, A true ally... Thanks again for COs and Strikes 🙂 U were a big part of the party...

A special thanks to my brother Sebastian Vettell and Georgian gov.... U did strikes exactly when we needed u ... A very special thanks to your kittens 😁

A special Thanks For Chile,Venezuela,Italy and Hungary... U all set our war as CoTD and your fighters helped us as much as they could ... Thanks, Thanks and Thanks

Dear brothers ( Allies ) Be sure that the Egyptians will never forget your help And be certain that when you have wars you can count on your brothers from Egypt, We'll do our best for you!!

And it's time to say thanks friends ...

Very very special thanks to vasspana, N4zGuL from GAMA and WiperBH Also Colin Lantrip 3 to set COs and all other friends that i forgot to say their names o7

And last thanks and congrats to our honorable ppl(My family)

Ruthless Warrior
MoFa of Egypt
Day 3,076