Memorandum #012

Day 4,297, 13:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Kaitlinn

Last Episode : Memorandum #011
Our Discord :

Subject: Battle of Liberty Hall (Part One)
Heroes are the people
who do what has to be done
when it needs to be done,
regardless of the consequences.

Alli looked so peaceful as she slept. I’d gotten up two hours before dawn. I tried not to disturb her sleep as I got out of bed. She has trouble sleeping with her big swollen belly. Our little one doesn't seem too keen to enter the world as he's almost a week late. Despite my attempt at sneaking I felt her hand on my arm. "Take care my love. Come back to me in one piece. Don’t leave me alone in this world with your child asking for you." She said, sleepy and teary eyed. I smiled to myself. I was a lucky man. I placed my hand down to her belly gently. "He's kicking." she whispered and I could feel the tiny flutters. "I will be back for both of ye. Go back to sleep love." I whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead. "And don’t worry, I won’t be close to the action."

There was a meeting last night discussing the coming attack on the Goshawk soldiers who were besieging Liberty Hall. They all had different ideas but had settled on Chance, Veritas and the veteran Rasa people attacking from the ground from strategic locations, while Ravens crew provided sniper support. I suggested that we draw them out with a few scouts to get their attention and rain heavy fire into them once they were out, something I had read in a strategy manual. But I was basically told I knew nothing about war and should leave strategy to experienced soldiers. Before I was kicked from conference I suggested we at least wait for the E. L. F. Soldiers but I was brushed off again. Determined, I offered assistance as a spotter as well as a medic, who could watch over the battlefield when the time came and let them know of any operational problems over the Comms. They all wearily accepted.

Half an hour later I was settled in my nest in an abandoned, partially bombed out building across the river Liffey, facing Liberty Hall. Carefully placing my binoculars and telescope by the windowsill and placing the pistol I had been given close by. Don't think I'll need it but it’s better to be prepared. I ate a few ration bars while I waited for the sun to come up. I wasn’t hungry but I knew I needed to eat now before all hell broke loose. I could see our people moving into their positions. Finally the sun rose up out of the bay. It’s rays pierced into my empty foxhole, brilliant and terrible. I was scared. I made the cross gesture with my hands. I wasn’t even religious.

Dublin Town, Japanese Occupied Ireland
Day 4,296, 19;00 eRT

I heard Claire's voice come over the Comms. "Two minutes and we attack." The words were barely out of her mouth when I saw movement. Father de Quane had stepped into the open, his aul battered leather bible in his hands. "There doesn't need to be bloodshed if we can all just come to an agreement, we are all God's children!" his voice boomed into the silence. Rumours of our attack must have reached the Civs. He was standing alone. He raised one hand with the Bible and started to say something else when there was a distant boom and he dropped with blood blooming from his chest. "Vervlakste domkop!" Ratels voice blared over the Comms. "Nee Murph bly waar… Stay where you are dammit!" I saw Murph running forward to de Quane firing his rifle into enemy positions. Ratel half stepped out of cover and tried to give him cover but I saw Murph get lifted off his feet and tossed backwards like a leaf by a hail of bullets. He was dead before he hit the ground. The Ghost of Skibbereen, gone in an instant. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Ratel fired some more shots into the soldiers pouring out of the enemy held positions. I could see more coming from the sides "Fall back or you'll get surrounded!" I shouted over the Comms. Ratel stepped swiftly back but was hit in the shoulder. Tough as nails, he didn’t even drop, I heard him grunt over the Comms.

The teams fell back firing at the enemy the whole time, wasting precious ammunition. I was panicking, thinking of ways to help them but I heard a sudden scuffing noise behind me and turned in time to see an enemy soldier, dressed head to toe in black lunging at me with a knife. I dived to the side where I had left my pistol and fired a few shots at him as he pulled out his and fired at the ground. He went down I hadn’t the time to check him. I quickly turned back to the window to check on our people. I saw Andrew's go down as he put his head around a corner to check on the enemy as they retreated. He’d been hit in the head. I nearly vomited at the sight of it. I felt a burning anger rise up in me. I thought of my wife and soon to be child. I needed to win.

“Who’s left on the line!” I roared down the Comms. I heard Ratel, Seán and Claire respond. I could see two of them, Claire and Ratel, firing blindly at nothing below me. “Get into B positions, we’re doing my plan.” I reloaded my pistol with one of the many clips I’d brought with me. The random attacker was still alive, coughing blood. He raised his pistol at me. I emptied my clip into his stomach. I nearly went deaf killing him but seeing Murph and Andrews go out like that… it was worth it. “In position?” I asked, watching from my vantage point. I heard them call “Roger that” one by one. “Now stay there, let them think we’ve retreated.”

I was sweating. The heat was unbearable. I took up the Comms again. “Right, everyone switch to my channel, get whoevers beside you to do it too.” Static blared from the receiver. “What’s the plan Doc? I have some wounded here. Over.” said Winters. “We draw them out. I’d do it myself but they’d see me crossing the bridge. Whoever is over there, draw them out. If you’ve a white piece of cloth, use it! Use medical bandages. Just get them to leave the base! Position B? Status?” I could barely breathe. “In position, I can see the gates.” said young Seán. Good, they were actually listening. “Copy that. In position awaiting orders.” said Ratel. “Wait for them all to flood out.” I made the cross gesture again. This was only gonna work the once. G*d help me.

And sure enough a scout had the Goshawk troops come out, slowly at first. They had their Commander with them. They must have thought we’d surrendered and wanted to parlay. So far, so good. “Wait for it!” I ordered over the Comms. Still more came out of the base, laughing among themselves at our “attack”. I wish I’d brought a rifle, I’d a perfect view of their Commander. Enough was enough. “Fire!” I roared through the Comms. The Goshawk men fell around like ragdolls as bullets ripped them apart, their blood gushing down the streets and into the gutters outside of Liberty Hall. The Units Chance, Veritas, Nero, Blind and White Stag came roaring from their hiding places like a horde of barbarians. With that move we’d done it. We’d won the day. I seen E.L.F rolling in with two heavy armoured tanks and behind them the Dublin Brigade marching up the streets from both flanks. I felt weak and faint, I wanted to cheer but I was breathless.

Signing off,

Dr. Stephen Macallistar-Payne, Research Team, Rasa Blank