Meanwhile on #austria...

Day 1,447, 04:50 Published in Austria Austria by Vreath

Good afternoon, eAustria!

As the 239052348234rd RW in Southern Bohemia progresses, we had a bit of fun on our national channel #austria (on Rizon). The RW is, as always, as useless as LarsUlrich87's daily shower because after the bath he smells like before, so we tried to find the mystery how to kick people in #austria properly.

The story began with GazonkFoo wanting to change the topic in #austria because of the ongoing RW. So I gave him OP temporarily and after he changed the topic, he kicked Lars for the lolz, so Lars wanted to revenge that.

Here is what came out (sorry, german only):

Main actors:

13:01 *** Vreath joined #austria
AUSTRIA - Welcome to the official channel of eAustria || informations and tutorials|| #AutArmy for Army Channel || Fight For Austria!
Topic set by erdoni!cgiirc@38B0F8C8.2A43066A.47116B69.IP on Thu Nov 03 2011 08:47:05 GMT+0100
13:01 KittehBot [Vreath] Bitter ist's, dem Tod zu dienen
13:01 +++ KittehBot has given op to Vreath
13:01 eRepublik :: NEWS :: China attacked Gyeonggi-do, South Korea :: Eastern Anatolia was conquered by Romania in the war versus Turkey ::
13:01 *** Smooth joined #austria
13:01 +++ KittehBot has given voice to Smooth
13:02 *** SmoothZiga quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
13:02 *** Smooth is now known as SmoothZiga
13:06 Vreath .op GAzonkFoo
13:06 +++ KittehBot has given op to GazonkFoo
13:06 Vreath now change GazonkFoo
13:06 *** GazonkFoo quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:07 *** GazonkFoo joined #austria
13:07 +++ KittehBot has given voice to GazonkFoo
13:07 Vreath .op GazonkFoo
13:07 +++ KittehBot has given op to GazonkFoo
AUSTRIA - Welcome to the official channel of eAustria || informations and tutorials|| #AutArmy for Army Channel || Fight For Austria!
Topic set by GazonkFoo on Sun Nov 06 2011 13:07:57 GMT+0100
13:08 Vreath \o/
13:09 *** LarsUlrich87 joined #austria
13:09 +++ KittehBot has given voice to LarsUlrich87
13:09 eRepublik :: NEWS :: Al Jawf was conquered by Resistance force of Saudi Arabia in the war versus Israel ::
13:14 *** LarsUlrich87 was kicked by GazonkFoo (muharhar - stupid vreath made me op)
13:19 eRepublik :: NEWS :: Canada attacked South West of England, United Kingdom ::
13:21 *** GazonkFoo quit (Remote host closed the connection)
13:21 *** GazonkFoo joined #austria
13:21 +++ KittehBot has given voice to GazonkFoo
13:22 eRepublik :: NEWS :: Volga was secured by Russia in the war versus Ukraine ::
13:23 *** LarsUlrich87 joined #austria
13:23 +++ KittehBot has given voice to LarsUlrich87
13:25 eRepublik :: NEWS :: United Kingdom attacked Wexford, Ireland ::
13:25 Vreath .op LarsUlrich87
13:25 +++ KittehBot has given op to LarsUlrich87
13:25 GazonkFoo o_o
13:25 LarsUlrich87 😛
13:25 Vreath 😛
13:25 LarsUlrich87 guess whats coming now?
13:25 *** GazonkFoo left #austria
13:25 Vreath NOES
13:28 *** GazonkFoo joined #austria
13:28 +++ KittehBot has given voice to GazonkFoo
13:28 *** GazonkFoo left #austria
13:29 LarsUlrich87 .k vreath (ein hässlicher muss raus hier)
13:30 Vreath fail
13:30 LarsUlrich87 hm
13:30 LarsUlrich87 🙁
13:30 Vreath .k LarsUlrich87 war nett mit dir
13:30 *** LarsUlrich87 was kicked by KittehBot (war nett mit dir)
13:30 *** LarsUlrich87 joined #austria
13:30 +++ KittehBot has given voice to LarsUlrich87
13:30 Vreath .op LarsUlrich87
13:30 +++ KittehBot has given op to LarsUlrich87
13:32 *** GazonkFoo joined #austria
13:32 +++ KittehBot has given voice to GazonkFoo
13:32 Vreath SCHNELL
13:32 LarsUlrich87 .k gazonkfoo (muhahaha)
13:32 *** GazonkFoo left #austria
13:32 Vreath NEIN
13:32 LarsUlrich87 oida
13:33 LarsUlrich87 .k vreath aja wirklich
13:33 LarsUlrich87 ich geb auf 🙁
13:37 *** GazonkFoo joined #austria
13:37 +++ KittehBot has given voice to GazonkFoo
13:37 GazonkFoo so mach halt damit wirs hinter uns ham 😛
13:37 LarsUlrich87 na ich faile eh wieder 😃
13:38 Vreath tu es
13:38 eRepublik :: NEWS :: Polisia was secured by Bulgaria in the war versus Resistance force of Ukraine ::
13:38 LarsUlrich87 .k #austria gazonkfoo wasch dich?
13:38 Vreath lol
13:38 Vreath mit /
13:38 LarsUlrich87 drauf gschissen 😃
13:39 *** Vreath was kicked by LarsUlrich87 (gusch bauer)
13:39 !!! You have been kicked from #austria
13:39 *** Vreath joined #austria
AUSTRIA - Welcome to the official channel of eAustria || informations and tutorials|| #AutArmy for Army Channel || Fight For Austria!
Topic set by GazonkFoo! on Sun Nov 06 2011 13:07:57 GMT+0100
13:39 KittehBot [Vreath] Bitter ist's, dem Tod zu dienen
13:39 +++ KittehBot has given op to Vreath
13:39 LarsUlrich87 \o/
13:39 Vreath es geht 😃
13:39 GazonkFoo schau schau - ich schlag mal nach wie du ihn jetzt bannst ...

So thats the end, a bit of a useless article but nevermind, I have nothing to do anyway so 😃
If you want to be part of the next funny bsns going on on #austria, do not hesitate to join #austria on Rizon and be talkative!
