McFarland (Q5) Hospitals for America

Day 655, 15:12 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

One month ago I built a Q5 Defense Systems company in New Jersey, McFarland Defense Systems, with the goal of building and donating these Q5 Defense Systems to the USA. Unfortunately, production only ran for about 11 days before Russia conquered New Jersey. I halted production shortly after the loss of New Jersey, and production will remain halted until the USA re-conquers New Jersey. Significantly, one point was clearly made: the production speed in those 11 days demonstrated that once we re-take New Jersey, I can use this company to produce and donate to the USA one Q5 Defense System roughly every 20 days. However, that is for the future, and for now I must speak of the present.
I have just completed construction of McFarland Hospitals, a Q5 Hospitals company in Florida. My plan is simple. I will use the profits from my other organizations to fund this project. I paid for the upgrades myself, and I will pay for all raw materials myself. Citizens, I ask for your help on two fronts: (1) I need high-skill constructions workers to work at the volunteer salary of 2 USD, and (2) I need help publicizing this project however possible. At the time McFarland Defense Systems halted production, we had a worker roster with skill levels ranging from 5 through 12+; everyone working for 2 USD salaries. There men and women were patriots, and I seek similar patriots for McFarland Hospitals.
It is my belief that we should fortify states with major populations with dual Q5 Defense Systems and Hospitals, since many of the folks loyal to those states won’t move, regardless of any fortress state strategy. Following that, we should also look at fortifying all high-resource regions. My plan is simple. I am going to make selecting this option easy for the government. I will keep building Q5 Hospitals in Florida through McFarland Hospitals, and later on Q5 Defense Systems in New Jersey through McFarland Defense Systems. Once again, to be perfectly clear, I plan to donate these products. This will be free for the government. I will cover all expenses out of pocket, in order to help provide for the collective good. I only ask for volunteer patriots to operate the factories and for help making the public aware of my project. McFarland Constructions is a non-profit organization designed to build infrastructure for the USA. If you support my goals and my project, never discount the influence of an article or a shout sending people my direction. I received zero official support recognizing McFarland Defense Systems, and yet through grassroots in-game and in-chat communication achieved a worker roster with skill levels ranging from 5+ to 12+.
If you are curious, contact me with your questions.
If you support me, help publicize this project: vote & subscribe; shout, message, or reference this article.
If you support me, help find high-skill volunteer workers.
One last note: my project is not designed to be in conflict with other efforts to build hospitals for the USA. The eUSA Red Cross is building Q1 Hospitals for low cost sale to the USA, and citizens Cynic Grim and Habraka Abrivianius have their own operation to gradually build one more Q5 Hospital for at-cost sale to the USA.
We strive forward for the glory of our nation.
Max McFarland 2