Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

Day 605, 15:20 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Day 604

There were no votes yesterday.

7/16/2009: Raise VAT on weapons from 1% to 10% No It is unacceptable to increase the cost of weapons during war.

7/16/2009: Transfer 46968 USD to Fort Knox Federal Reserve Yes Routine money management measure.

7/18/2009: Revision of New Citizen Message Yes The previous revision seemed to lead to less use of some new citizen programs. This revision attempts to do better. It is a difficult task. The number of such programs has increased greatly. It is a problem to include all necessary links and still keep the message inviting. We may have to revise again if this has adverse effects. Contrary to what some people have written, we have not ended the mentorship program. We have been trying to figure out how best to present it and other valuable programs, such as Meals on Wheels.