Low Wellness In The South-East

Day 644, 03:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by einberliner

I'm standing for election in the South East today and have been doing some research into the region and it's inhabitants. In the process of this I've discovered that there's a serious number of active, regular players down here whose wellness is below 50. This probably has a lot to do with the low Q hospital + the war games + our aiding Greece but all the same I'm sure there's something we must be able to do about that.

The first few I noticed I messaged and offered help but it occurs to me that as I'm standing for election that help might be misconstrued (which it shouldn't be - much as I'd like votes and all I'll do my best to help anyone regardless of who they voted for).

So maybe we could start a gifting programme down here in the South East? It's only gonna go a little way to help (10 wellness a day at absolute maximum, iirc) but it's a start, at least. We could also make people more aware of the DoH, maybe, though obviously we couldn't put demand on them every day.

Does anyone have any ideas?
