Logistics Corps

Day 327, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

As we all know in V1, after the first month this is, there will be only 10 inventory slots for goods. Take 1 away for houses, another 2 for moving tickets, and that only leaves 7 free inventory slots for a paratrooper fighting abroad for his/her country.

To help solve this problem and maintain our paras in fighting shape by giving them the top equipment they deserve, we will create a logistics corps. You can be any strength and hold any political office and still be a logistics corps thanks to the donation system where you can donate guns to someone fighting in another country.

However, due to the effect on commodity prices when raw materials are introduced, we do not know what the price will be to keep a para equipped properly. Therefore, we cannot plan entirely for this event but we can draw up a provisional list of those who are interested in serving their country, but without fighting. At the moment, there are no plans to provide logistics officers with a salary, however this may change in the future depending on circumstances,

So, if you're interested in helping out please just comment below.

Minister of Defence