Ligtreb for Congress

Day 643, 15:46 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
2ND UPDATE 11:00 eRep Time: You can resume voting for me, Cerb has passed me. Great work everyone.


UPDATE, 9:00 eRep Time: I have a safe lead, vote for Cerb instead, we need him in Congress as well.

Here> is his presentation.

Thank you all for your support, let's get Cerb into Congress as well.

************ORIGINAL PRESENTATION BELOW**************

This election is far more important than usual. Not only are we at war, but we will only have 20 congressmen for the whole country. We need to make sure we as a nation elect the best Congress possible.

My qualifications:

Welcoming Committee director for over three months
Manage Fort Harlot, which employs over 1,100 Americans
Two-time congressman
Home Guard platoon leader

Some FAQ about the above:

What exactly do you do at the Welcoming Committee?

We give new players a free Q1 gift and links to>important newspapers, the>forums and the>Training Division. Since the war started, we've also started giving players below 40 wellness enough gifts to get up 40 and>teaching them how to fight.

There are plenty of other organizations that serve the same purpose as the Welcoming Committee, some government-run, some privately-operated. These organizations help to educate citizens and keep new citizens involved in this game. We must continue to support them all, to help this country grow into the superpower it should be.

What is Fort Harlot?>Fort Harlot is our country's only job hub for citizens with skill zero, ensuring that new players always have a place to find a job. As skill zero workers often make business owners lose money, it's important to have a company like this run by the government to make sure our new players stick around.

We used to have other skill zero job hubs, but they were located in states conquered by PEACE. When I saw those states being attacked, I made sure to inform Congress about this, and when they didn't take action, the executive branch gave me the funds to create Fort Harlot (which of course was named after Eugene Harlot, one of the greatest Americans in this game).

Since then, as our national economy has weakened, Fort Harlot has grown at an alarming rate, employing hundreds of workers with a skill over 2. We must encourage American businessmen to open up manufacturing businesses to take some of these employees, and when the economy starts to recover, we must invest in more government-run companies to ensure jobs are always available, especially in tough times.

If you're a two-time congressman and think Congress is so important, why weren't you in Congress this term?

I saw a potential war-changing opportunity in our attempt to PTO France. I and dozens of other potential congressmen put aside our personal ambitions for a month to try and help give the USA a much-needed boost in the war. We were not successful, we did not have enough voters from here to make it work, a fact that still annoys me today. I know hindsight is 20/20, but imagine if we had control of one of the main countries attacking North America -- not only could we have stopped them, we could've used them to attack PEACE too.

The citizenship module makes PTOs much tougher to pull off (and stop), but I will continue to try to use game mechanics for this country's benefit.

OK, so why I should I vote for Ligtreb?

If I am elected to Congress, you will have someone with a proven track record of putting in a lot of time and effort into this country's well-being and future. You will also have someone with a good understanding of game mechanics, someone who knows that real-life principles don't apply in eRepublik.

Thank you for reading this giant wall of text,
-- Ligtreb