Let's get this party started. For the people by the people.

Day 4,543, 16:46 Published in USA USA by KingTaco

Hello fellow Americans,

Too Long; Didn't read :
-the eUSA needs to stop fighting amongst ourselves so damn much.
-I am making a platform for eUSA citizens to get your ideas out, vote and support/fund them
-Lots of ways to get free food, check out the lottery assistance program and guns and butter

When I first came back from the dead I was very concerned about the current state of the game.
It seemed dead.
I am very pleased to see that that really isn't the case, I am no longer 6 of the top 10 articles in the eUSA, the party feed and Discord has boomed in the last 3 weeks, we are getting tons of epics on the battlefield and We have lots of amazing active players doing great things. More on that later. My concern is the flame wars going on between the political parties. Seems uncalled for. A little friendly competition and rivalry is more than ok, its expected but this is much more than that - there is genuine hatred and that saddens me. I am no diplomat or expert on conflict resolution but come on guys, what the hell. We are trying so hard here, I know for a fact we aren't perfect.... and some of us are adding to the flame war going on.... Knock it off.

eRepublik is in a very very delicate time right now and if you care at all about the many years, months, and weeks you've put into this game and don't wish for it to just fall off the face of the planet - we NEED to work together here for a while. Once we are back on solid ground, if that ever happens then we can beat the hell out of each other.

Some of the older players act like the eUSA is a super power in the eWorld and others are hoarding the cash reserves for no reasons. I understand some of the people in charge are like dragons and want to hold on to every single dollar just in case, but look at our rankings. It's not great. If we have players struggling to make it and titans/legends taking all the D1/D2 BHs and literally shitting on newer/weaker players why the hell do you think they aren't staying?? It's our fault they aren't staying, it's our fault the game seems to be dying - look at the activity in some of the actual superpowers of the eWorld - they constantly have tons of online and active players. They constantly have MORE wars going at the same time. With as little land as we are holding right now, I shouldn't be able to go onto the wars page, sort of Air or something and NOT SEE A SINGLE BATTLE FOR THE US which forces me to fight for another damn country so as to not waste energy generation. We have all these food programs, including shameless plug the Lottery Assistance Program as well as Guns and Butter then of course all the private party systems there are - but not always a time to spend them!
If we have tons of money in reserves (I won't say how much, it's not as much as some of you may thing) we should be reinvesting it - NOT FREAKING LETTING IT SET IN A PUBLIC ACCOUNT much less a private account. We are in NO position to be holding any large amount of money, in the real world budgets are made to use as much of the resources as possible to help the country and only a small portion placed into savings. We are doing exactly the opposite and its dumb. I know I am the new kid on the block and haven't really seen things as they were in the past, other than the month or so I played nearly 10 years ago - but I know how things are now. I read all the articles I read the eusa forums https://eusaforums.com/ and all I see is bullshit, flame wars and arguments over why we need to save every penny possible instead of investing it on the people.
If we have players that are struggling, players that are relying on CRAP each day to accomplish anything because food and weapon prices are fairly expensive for someone who hasn't set up their first company yet then we have no right to hoard money. I thank the stars many employers are offering pays over more than $1,000USD a day - but even at that when Q7 weapons are around
$300usd each and Q1 air weapons are a fortune for no damn reason - it takes these players a LONG time to get anywhere and it's very discouraging. I really hope our top players are not blind to this fact and notice that the players that are staying are the players that are being offered the most help. You wonder why WTP is being so active lately? It's because we have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars of support money into our players. We incentivise activity with the ability to be more active. You can't forget that players in the first few months earn ranks, levels, energy, and money VERY slowly no matter how active they are and with how crazy the whole political module of this game is right now some of them don't even know where to start with it so they just leave and never come back. This isn't what we want my friends. So I ask for your help, not just that of my party but all of them.
If the government (which I am now a part of and trust me I am going to do everything I can to help on that front) won't step up and help - the people must. Which is why I would like
to officially announce

I will not be running for president.
No but really, I would like to focus my efforts on private support programs. I need your support on this, however.
There have been many great ideas for programs new and old and we shouldn't expect our government to support everything as they seem unwilling and I am but one congressman with many of the current powers against my party. Not an easy situation. This has lead me to start work on a private poll and forum system for the people by the people using the same engine backed by the lottery. This will allow players to create polls, vote, and discuss their IDEAS TO BETTER THE USA. this is *NOT* let me say that again: this is *NOT* a replacement for the
eusaforums you will not have tons of subcategories for other discussions or government forums or private forums or anything like that. This is a place to discuss and request YOUR ideas to better the US and get private funding to make it happen. I will announce this site soon as I work on it over the next few days. Think of it like kickstarter for non profit organizations.

Thank you for reading my wall of text
With much love,
KingTaco (Was once POC0bob)

I support my government 100%, I'm proud to be an eAmerican and I will continue to do all my duties as a member of said government. This is not a coup, this is not a revolution. This is a concerned citizen with hope and possibly a means to help make a better life for all, despite financial abilities.