Leadership in EI

Day 13, 00:00 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by isnuwardana

Congratulations to our President and Congresspersons|||Today is the new beginning of Erepublik Indonesia (EI) for we have elected our President, Ayoe, and set up a Congress (albeit only 2 person, me and sulistio)
I think this is the ideal condition for this time, with balanced representation between Narcissists and AGIPs within the Congress.

Well, there are many work ahead of us.
Increase population growth, set up the taxes, grow our industry of defence, transportation and housing, and set relation with other countries from world of Erepublik.

Meanwhile, our economy is still unstable. With the recent suspension of Toko Kelontongan (which I understand the reason behind it, nevertheless the owner also has his reason), we still have to depend on PT Harapan Wijaya on food supplies. The other producer, Sinar Jaya, has been only in name so far.
While a few days ago, PT Harapan Wijaya were on socialistic mode, setting up low price food within Indonesia,however they recently expand the market to another growing country to gain some profit.

And we look forward in the next party election on the tenth, which I'm still not sure what was that for, and the local election to select major on the twentieth, which will be gaining some attention in Jakarta and Samarinda, while in Medan and Jayapura it looks like each of them both have one and only candidate.