L'Union fait la force!

Day 2,138, 16:44 Published in Canada Canada by Dozzer_x

It's been one year and ten days since I joined this great nation called Canada. It was on the same date that I joined the Canadian Progressive Front and the Captains of Industry, a party and a military unit that I've never ceased being a member of, either physically (game mechanics), or spiritually (for the 2 months when I was in exile). In this time I have proudly represented Canada abroad, in bilateral meetings and in alliance meetings, as Minister of Foreign Affairs for 3 full months, and as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for 1 month, being currently in my second month as dMoFA. I have nevertheless proudly represented my party, as Party Leader, Congress member, and Minister.

In this past year, Canada has gone from a nation recently liberated from Polish occupation to a nation occupied for almost 8 months by Spain, having just been liberated recently. In this time, the CPF has successfully managed to gain a plurality in every single election it competed since September 2012, facing at times coalitions of parties united against what the CPF stood for. And our party has remained strong due to some very important principles: The Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front. One of the greatest defenders of the Tenets was Funky, and we should all be thankful to him for his ability to keep the party united under the ideas that made us win every single election in the past 12 months, by a landslide. Another great Party Leader, who has upheld these Tenets, is Auk Rest. I, as Party Leader, have as well defended and promoted these Tenets, for I have realised that they were the only thing that could possibly keep us as strong, without playing other parties' petty political games. However, in the past few months, these Tenets have started to be ignored, and moreover, they have started to not be even included in CPF-related articles. The party is slowly losing its identity and this will harm us greatly on the long-term.

The Tenets that the CPF is built on:

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy

In the past few months, there have been certain 'politicians' whose contributions have been greatly counter-productive to the political scene of Canada. And I think it's obvious who am I talking about. There are the ones who are good technocrats and excellent administrators in their activity as ministers, but in politics they tend to be manipulative and to use all means, no matter how immoral they are, to achieve their goal. There are also the ones whose trolling, whose attacks, are so blatant and harming that they can objectively be regarded as negative elements. They are not here to build something, and the proof shows it, for they have not built anything at all for this country, they have not done anything apart from starting and inflammating even more bickering and b**ch-fighting. At first, in May, I was the only one sharing this opinion about these certain individuals, but as the months passed, more people have realised it, and I'm glad for that. And as the months passed, I have also realised something: one should not feed the trolls, but should ignore them.. And this is what we should all do, if we want Canada to prosper.

Another month has passed since we have been liberated from Spanish occupation, and a full congress has been elected for the first time since Christmas 2012. It seems that some kind of 'coalition' has been made again, mainly directed against incumbent president DMV and indirectly against the CPF. Our party has yet again won a plurality in the election, and we are just 4 seats short of an absolute majority in Congress. This proves yet again that people put their main trust in us, and even if in eRepublik a country is built upon a presidential system, the legislative is nevertheless as important, and should be a point of stability for the progress of this country. As main political force, we have the biggest influence in the legislative, and therefore, an important part of the future of Canada that will be decided the next month, will lay with us.

Yes, we have made some mistakes in the past few months. This is why it is very important that we uphold the Tenets that have kept us strong and united.

Let us not disappoint the Canadian citizens that put their confidence in us, and let us show our opponents why we are the Premier Party of Canada. There's no doubt that we will only do this by deeds.

With all due respect and consideration,
former Leader of the Canadian Progressive Front