Krems for Kongress

Day 671, 09:27 Published in USA USA by St Krems

EDIT: I got bored so I decided to add some pics, hope you don't mind.

Good day,

I am running for congress in the state of Idaho this month. Please Let me introduce myself, what I have done and why I feel that voting for me is the right choice.

Did I mention Im pretty awesome?

I was born on day 497 and started the game with completely unrealistic expectations of what the game would be like. I wrote a number of articles, only one of which I stand by today and generally acted like a typical noob. Luckily not long after I joined I was contacted by Voltare about joining the Federalist Party. Right away I could see that the Feds had a lot to offer if I was willing to put the time in and keep a level head. Through the Feds I got involved on the eUS forums (, join it!!!) and IRC. Currently I am in the Federalist Party Leadership, The Director of Public Defense for the eUS and in the army (5/3 hell yeah).

You may have heard I'm a fan of Game Mechanics.

This is true. I think ignorance of game mechanics is something that should instantly disqualify someone from running for congress and yet every month a outrageously large number of the people who are elected to congress are not aware of how Defense Systems effect the wall size of their state or how initiative works. This is inexcusable. How is our government supposed to function in a war situation if the experienced half of congress is busy teaching the inexperienced half of congress how to play the game? Congress is an important branch of government and should not be used as a day care center.

Clearly the real issue facing us right now is how to preserve our country from PEACE. I can not offer you a military solution to this problem and I will not pretend to have as much martial knowledge as our army's Generals. However, I will do what ever is in my power to ensure that America survives. Most importantly, I shall listen to those know know more than me in a specific area with great attention. As a former member of the State Department I know communication is key to saving our country and I shall make every effort to insure that congress functions well with the rest of the organs of state to find an end to this war and regain what we have lost.

In Summary


* Federalist Public Relations Director (Fed Leadership)
* Undefeated term as Director of Public Defense (\o/)
* Former Member of the State Department
* Member of the Army]
*Currently an eUS mentor
* I am active, qualified and I understand how this game works better then any other candidates running in Idaho.


* Find the best possible solution to this war for the American People, looking at all options
* Support our military fully in their fight. They are the most effective fighters in our country and so they should receive as much support as we can give them.
* Work on and improve the relationship between parties. Parties regularly disagree but we all are very committed to seeing america succeed.
* Improve Congressional transparency and accountability. You should know whats going on and you should know who is letting you down through stupidity, ignorance or inactivity.
* Improve communication between all arms of our government and ensure that congress is always ready to respond to a situation as it's happening, not two or three days later.
* I am a supporter of The Federalist Party Training Division Proposal that has received support from the vast majority of parties.

If elected I will of course be providing a published voting record at least once every two days to let you, the public, know what is happening in congress and where I stand on it.

Thank you for reading,

Also check this dawg

Win Boat

EDIT: ChrisDF0 has endorsed me with his C*ck and Amun Nefer is endorsing me more conventionally.

This article is a great list of who is running where, I suggest you read it.