krakken stole your bh/sh form

Day 4,333, 07:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

TO Krakken(place form in bottle and throw it off tall cliff into the sea)

Dear Sea Monster

It was a dark day. I fought all 10 minutes to put up a moderately low score of (---*fill in score*---)

i had to go to the bathroom\had my leg amputated\had my brain replacement surgery\ had to watch some inane television program i dont know afterward why i are watching it/started watching youtube videos and forgot about the battle.(*choose appropriate option)

When i returned U 😠 Krakken had stolen MY sh/bh.

i were mad and angry/ Cried/Screamed like a banshee/Phoned MY cousin Vinny/Pauly /Shaundra/Moby/Bruce Willis/Winston Hope Smith and asked him to do ME a little favor just a tiny one ("nobody will really miss him uhmm me thinks)/Got nauseous and ran to the toilet.

Feelings of intense remorse and butthurt flowed through MY tiny body. I vowed to tell the whole world /other players/phoned up MY ex ((despite) restraining order/the fact she has been married and have now 7 kids with another man/woman).

I vow to revenge the 5 gold/8 gold I lost by hunting down every bh/sh U KRAKKEN might get in the future.

I finally realize 🙁 nothing will ever return MY bh and let it go/got distracted/ passed out drunk/ saw a hot..... walk by.

2 months later it is a dark day I post a moderately low score of ---(fill in number) in a air/ground battle.... I get distracted

repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat

{PLEASE FILL IN FORM AND SEND IT TO ME IF YOU FEEL AGGRIEVED BY ME STEALING YOUR BH/SH/CH medal) and i will feel a tiny tinge of remorse at my actions.

if you cant view youtube link
Saw this in a french movie. The original is morning train first song by Sheana Easton. French version has different lyrics though. Almost like Yellow River which was written by Christie passed up by the Tremeloes song by Christie and become a massive hit which the Tremeloes redid into No comprende and had a hit with in south america.

Here is the original Tremeloes version Christie just recorded his lyrics over this.