Kind hearts more than coronets

Day 1,795, 09:30 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Kind hearts more than coronets and simple faith more than Norman

I first saw this sentence in an English course of mine, many, many
years ago. It sounds so beautiful and deep, specially the "kind hearts and
coronets" that I'd join erepublik again just to write an article with
such a gem of the language.

The sentence comes from a Tennyson poem and it appears in a film
(which was reviewed in my old course):
"The film's title derives from Tennyson's 1842 poem Lady Clara Vere de
Vere: "Kind hearts are more than coronets, And simple faith than
Norman blood." (wikipedia)

Needless to say, it's easy for anyone to identify who our "kind
hearts" are, the likes of Don Dapper, Hugh, Sexagenarian,.. and even
easier which are the coronets ( or the pretending coronets).

Yes, New Era has the simple faith, and the simple strength of the
simple truth, ours is not "strength in unity", but strength in faith
for a better eUK, more inclusive and free, with less "norman blood".

I personally don't have anything against elites as long as they do
their job, and as they're removed when the smell is just too strong,
like right now in eUK. Yes, politicians and diapers should be changed
often and for the same reason. A new elite will come, and it'll
corrupt itself, but meanwhile, we'll have a working elite, not the rubbish we
have now.

This "ethernal" fight between old-corrupt-elites and the people
demanding a new and clean "elite" is as old as man. My avatar, the
sword, is a photo of "Tizon" (firebrand), one of the swords of "El Cid"
( Rodrigo Diaz de
Bivar), the first castilian heroe, banished from Castile and who
conquered and commanded, with a handful of castilian knights, a land the size of Scotland,
full of moors. "El Cid", among many other things, is the symbol
of uncorruptible loyalty ( he was loyal to his dead king, probably
assesinated by his brother) and his independence of power. In the
poem "Poem of El Cid" you can encounter sentences like this:
- "you, king, banishes me for one year, but I'll banish myself for
seven", or
- "what a good vassal, if there were such a good Lord".

The impact of such a real heroe ( not invented "a la French") in
Spain's history is huge, and probably, many other heroes who followed,
specially the Conquistadors, tried to emulate him.

In "El Cid"'s time, Castille was not the bigger nor the most powerful,
nor the most noble kingdom, yet, it was the braver and more austere,
"kind hearts but not coronets", while the old kingdom of Leon ( lion,
but it's a matter of fact a derivation of "Legio VIII Gemina") was
full of counts, dukes and nobility, yet it was rather incapable, helpless. Yes,
Castille was the young, strong and vibrant, but not of high noble blood. That was
the spirit of "El Cid" and Castille. In the end, the kindness and
Castilian (even the language) prevailed over Leon, even the rest of
the Iberian peninsula, and it invaded literally half the world. Of
course, decadence would come afterwards, as it usually happens with
any living entity, any elite, any kind country or person.

I won't bore you any more ( for this article only, I have plenty of
new articles to bore you).