Join the DAD Party

Day 1,168, 11:24 Published in Canada Canada by Christian Doe

The new DAD party isn't about democracy, action, or anything remotely productive. It exists for the citizens of this country who actually have a life or, in other words, kids. Although it's true that when you have kids you don't have any life. Women are also welcome, but of course there are no girls on the Internet.

You are eligible to join if you did one of the following during your eLife:

* you once feared that getting e-married might have... consequences;
* you missed more than one critical time strike because of a diapper change;
* you tried to explain to your party president that you would probably be up at day change, but too busy to go online;
* you confused your friends by telling them that yes you had a girlfriend, but no you were not getting any these days;
* your son gave you that look when you explained that you were clicking to fight evil French soldiers;
* you annoyed people on IRC by making 2 or 3 reference to your children, while constantly talking about anime, Call of Duty, homework or their annoying sister is perfectly all right;
* you went AFK for karate or swimming lessons;
* your kid typed gibberish on IRC and people thought you were drunk;
* your claimed your kid typed gibberish on IRC to hide the fact that you were really drunk;
* any reference to a baby boom seriously freaks you out.

Join the DAD today.