Is eRepublik a feudal system?

Day 1,734, 08:24 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Many people regard feudalism with armoured knights, castles and tournaments with ladies waving handkerchiefs.
Well, feudalism is a form of government and production.( well economy and politics are faces of the same coin,
you can't name an Economy without implying some politics, or viceversa). How was government in Feudal regimes?
There's a King (not necessarily inheriting the Crown* ) supported by an aristocracy of noblemen. This noblemen share,
as a matter of fact, the wealth of the country.

So Feudalism implied certain degree of democracy between peers. And of course, different rights for Noblemen and the rest ( freemen and serfs).

Well, if you think it twice, this is the right way of government in eRepublik. Each "party" may be assumed
to a Feud, where a Dukes and some Counts ( some even wear the name) exploit the Rights of the Duchy, namely:
being elected as King, and be the Statemen. The rest of the party lies as serfdom to the interests of the noblemen.

Plato and admins realized that fact and very appropiatedly they provided us with the "companies" (mesnadas in Spanish,
or gens de arms in French), that is, the Duchal armies.

Well, all this is a bit of exageration, or not? As always I'm speaking half seriously half joking, but with a load
of truth. Some parties are more feudal than others, and you can even recognize the Duke, the Counts, the Barons,..., others
haven't taken the feudal path to its full length.

How can we live back at modern times? We don't have the third power:The Law. But we can have the Procedure (which could be described as Law without necessary punishment).

Yes, feudal moods work by vassail attitudes, few questions and big nods for the big Dukes and a loss of Procedures.

Procedures of what? Basically two:

** A national Budget: - National Budget in eUk forums
disregarded by a powerful Duke

** A stated and written State Politics (including Foreign Issues). We shouldn't trust in a handful of
good-willed, or in this case Keers-willed, gentlemen to state OUR National Foreign Strategy. I know
I'm little more than a vassal, a serf, yet a talking one. Now some paranoic what-if's:
*** What-if Keers is using his own personal web of contacts to weave, to design, the National Foreign
Strategy more interesting for his very own interests (for example, now he lives in Slovenia,why?).
*** What-if current design, weaved by Keers, makes us prisioner of an ever-negotiating-in-the-dark Keers,
because nobody else understand/follows/is up/has the necessary friends to the Keers-design.

As I say, very paranoic statements. But you know how medieval times are.Lots of witchery and superstition.

I was about to propose a structure for MoD, with paid civil servants,...But I realized that first we had to
jump into modern times, setting aside wizards with burning sticks and darkness and gloom in their gaze.

* in high medieval age, 800-1000 Kings were elected among the highest families of noblemen, following the tradition of germanic peoples.