Interview with TheJuliusCaesar, the SG of Pacifica

Day 3,480, 06:18 Published in Hungary Czech Republic by B. Mester

I made an interview with TheJuliusCaesar, the SG of Pacifica. I think he know the answers, whitch we didn't (like secret NAPs).

1. What do you think about Hungary? Are we good member of Pacifica?
A good member is a member who helps other members in need, as well as participates constructively to the discussions within the alliance about the wide scale of issues. Hungary is easily one of the more active members in Pacifica when it comes to discussions, and we can pretty much always count on their help on the battlefield. So yes, Hungary is a good member of Pacifica. The majority consensus of the alliance may not always agree with Hungary's opinions, but I am extremely happy we have so far been able to constructively discuss the matters through. It is good to have a bit differing opinions and especially the courage to voice them openly. This is one of the great strengths of Pacifica, I am extremely glad to have Hungary on board.

2. What do you think about the competitive aliance, Asteria?
Asteria, a strong alliance, is certainly something to consider and keep in mind when we're planning the acts of Pacifica. I do not consider any alliance or nation or block an eternal enemy or ally in the black & white sense of things, world is just different shades of grey. That said, recently Pacifica's objectives in foreign folicy have coincided with the objectives of Asteria in foreign policy, which means we have found ourselves fighting side by side against common foes. This wasn't the situation when I started as a SG back in December 2016: back then we got sucked in to a conflict with the Orion alliance and were, at least indirectly, fighting against each other. Things change and foreign political circumstances change 😛

3. Hwo is stronger? Pacifica or Asteria?
Asteria has a slightly upper hand compared to Pacifica when it comes to raw damage output. Hovewer, the actual strength of an alliance depends on many things, from diplomacy to internal cooperation to foreign relations and so on.

4. Is it true, that that the member of Pacifica have got a (secret) NAP with the members of Asteria?
Pacifica's official Non-Aggression Pact with the Orion alliance, following our conflict in early 2017, expired in months back. I am not aware of any secret explicit Non-Aggression Pacts by our member nations. Some might consider that attacking certain member of Asteria would be pure foolishness, I guess that can by others be considered an implicit "NAP". But it's not reall a NAP, as it is not a written pact.

5. If there were a a war between Romania and Hungary, does Pacifica support Hungary? If yes, how much, if no, why?
The baseline is that Pacifica always defends its member nations against an aggressor. I do not like engaging in hypothetical discussions publicly about what might and might not happen, but to be honest circumstances affect the situation a lot. But I digress, as you asked a specific question. If Hungary gets invaded unprovokedly by Romania, of course Pacifica will be there to defend you with more numbers. If Hungary was to be an aggressor against Romania, I believe that would negatively affect how much different members would support and engage in the battlefield. As Pacifica, at least currently, shares similar objectives with Asteria in foreign policy, it would be pure foolishness to burn bridges there. It would definitely weaken the direct help Hungary would receive in such a battle, of course depending on each member nation as I can't answer for them.

5+1. Is there anythig, that you would to say?
Thanks for the well thought out questions, it was a pleasure!

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