Interview with Cronoss :P

Day 2,044, 11:07 Published in Austria Switzerland by Comrade Vladimir Ulyanow Lenin

12:56 TheCommunist lol?
12:57 Cronoss ?
12:57 TheCommunist hey Cronoss
12:57 TheCommunist how are you
12:57 Cronoss heya...
12:58 Cronoss fine, thank you
12:58 TheCommunist you are welcome
12:58 TheCommunist Cronoss is the romanian poker a bot
12:58 TheCommunist ?
12:58 Cronoss huh?
12:59 TheCommunist in romanian poker channel
12:59 TheCommunist is there a bot
12:59 TheCommunist or do you use a program
12:59 TheCommunist ?
13:00 Cronoss there is a bot
13:00 Cronoss but i did not used that channel for a while, did not had time to play
13:01 TheCommunist okay
13:01 TheCommunist
13:01 TheCommunist why are you not so often in chat?
13:01 TheCommunist btw there si a second swiss chat #eschweiz
13:01 Cronoss they banned me over there
13:01 TheCommunist in #eschweiz too?
13:02 TheCommunist i saw in eswitzerland
13:02 Cronoss i helped them to regain a region for congress, but they used clone and got my party out of top 5 so now Ch will be deleted again
13:02 TheCommunist i saw.
13:02 TheCommunist
13:02 TheCommunist i am just ambassador.
13:02 TheCommunist i would help you if i can
13:02 TheCommunist 13:02 Cronoss so i`ll do all my best to delete Ch so they wont have congress
13:02 Cronoss I see
13:06 TheCommunist so Cronoss
13:06 TheCommunist why does so many people say that you use multies
13:06 TheCommunist -.-
13:06 TheCommunist i think its wrong
13:07 Cronoss if I used multies, don`t you think that I should be banned till now
13:07 Cronoss ?
13:07 TheCommunist yes i think so too
13:08 TheCommunist i think that you just didnt follow erep rules
13:08 Cronoss it`s funny to see them crying all day long about that
13:08 TheCommunist but not with multies
13:08 TheCommunist yep
13:08 TheCommunist thats funny.
13:08 Cronoss so yes, I allways told them that I have many multies)
13:08 Cronoss trolling is fun
13:09 TheCommunist why did you go to switzerland btw Cronoss ?
13:09 TheCommunist
13:09 Cronoss i wanted a small country to "die" there
13:09 Cronoss instead of that, they gave me a reason to play
13:09 TheCommunist haha
13:10 TheCommunist i would have gone to czech republic
13:10 Cronoss Ch is a neutral country, at least in Rl
13:10 Cronoss so that`s why i chosed them
13:10 TheCommunist rl isnt erepublik
13:11 TheCommunist see poland or serbia
13:11 TheCommunist haha.
13:11 Cronoss now I play only for Ch, to have fun and to get the country
13:11 Cronoss tommorow, next mounth, next year, it does`t matter when, i will take it from them
13:11 TheCommunist haha
13:11 TheCommunist Cronoss btw
13:11 TheCommunist what swiss do you mean
13:11 TheCommunist switzerland has only two-three-four irl swiss who are active.
13:11 TheCommunist the rest are all outers
13:12 TheCommunist
13:12 Cronoss i know
13:12 Cronoss To-ers that call me To-er
13:12 Cronoss tgat`s why is so funny
13:12 TheCommunist because you are to-er too
13:12 TheCommunist you are (b)romanian
13:12 TheCommunist
13:12 TheCommunist arent you?
13:13 Cronoss i could get the country 2-3 months ag, but I was in a mission and could not send messages to all of my friends to vote
13:13 TheCommunist okay
13:13 TheCommunist why arent your friends making articles or less shots
13:13 TheCommunist *shouts
13:13 TheCommunist are they really shy?
13:13 TheCommunist
13:13 Cronoss but it`s ok, it will be funny, Ch will stay deleted and they will start the fight for congress or CP seat, sooner or later
13:13 Cronoss 😨
13:13 Cronoss shy? nah
13:13 TheCommunist that would be a reason why they think its a multi
13:13 Cronoss i invited more than 200 people in the game
13:14 Cronoss manny were banned by abuse, i made manny tickets
13:14 Cronoss they are 2-3 clicks players
13:14 TheCommunist ok
13:14 TheCommunist i eat pizza now 😁
13:14 TheCommunist do you like pizza too?
13:14 Cronoss enojoy
13:14 Cronoss it`s ok
13:15 TheCommunist hehe
13:15 TheCommunist who do you think is the worst players in eswitzerland
13:15 TheCommunist for me its rican
13:15 Cronoss Rican Archein and a few others
13:15 Cronoss worst?
13:15 Cronoss nah
13:16 Cronoss just stupid
13:16 Cronoss don`t know the game 😕)
13:16 TheCommunist they know the game. but not to play.
13:16 TheCommunist
13:16 Cronoss
13:16 TheCommunist what is your opinion for austria?
13:17 TheCommunist i am from that erep country
13:17 Cronoss also a small country, i think
13:17 TheCommunist yep
13:17 TheCommunist but a bit cooler for me
13:18 Cronoss
13:18 TheCommunist because i got my first congress there
13:18 TheCommunist so Cronoss how about yourself
13:18 TheCommunist i heard you were active before switzerland too
13:19 Cronoss I was active in Romania and Singaproe
13:19 TheCommunist year
13:19 TheCommunist singapore was it
13:19 Cronoss in Singapore I helped some friends to get the country
13:19 TheCommunist didnt knew if it was malaysia or singapore
13:19 TheCommunist why did you joined erepublik btw?
13:20 TheCommunist i got an invitation from a friend
13:20 TheCommunist Cronoss: ?
13:20 Cronoss don`t remember
13:20 Cronoss saw an article or something like that
13:20 TheCommunist okay
13:22 TheCommunist see ya later.
13:22 TheCommunist play sth now
13:26 Cronoss take care

and this was it lol