Incompetence in Government and Congress.

Day 860, 11:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by Eamonn DeValera

Ok, so, I got elected to Congress on the 25th…..happy days I thought, finally get to propose my rules/guidelines document which I worked my ass of to complete. And by the way, which several others (the people in congress with brain cells) contributed to for over 10 days.
I also, published the original version of this document and the final version in two previous articles which got an excellent response from both Congress members and regular eIrish citizens, so, naturally I assumed it was widely accepted because the legislation was lying for days in the Dail while I was awaiting the Congress elections, and remained untouched by anyone during that period. So, I presumed that everyone in congress was fine with it.

So, I get elected on the 25th and propose the legislation on the 27th which gave the incoming congress members two days to read the legislation, which was in the Public Dail, so everyone could see it, and add their opinions to it. But, not one of them did, so I assumed everyone was jolly well fine with it. Naturally, my next step was to propose it, which I did and it got off to a fine start….those who contributed to it, voted Yes. But then, all of a sudden, I get comments like the following;

“ Nil/No on the basis that it will make things more complicated”
Ridiculous, Read the bloody thing, its quite simple and to the point and clearly defines everything which needs to be defined.

“tbh, i think we need to conference this a bit more. It has no provisions for a military chain of command, etc. I'm sure it wouldn't take too long to hammer something out.”
WHAT!! What has military chain of command got to do with the bloody constitution, that’s an entirely separate issue, one which work has begun on already as you will see in Mr. Dash Riprocks article here: Extreme makeover IDF edition.

“isn't BB right, wouldn't things be more complicated then?”
No, he isn’t but I can see your clearly just a sheep following your leader.

“I honestly can't see how this will fix anything. The problem in Ireland is not the constitution it is the over use of and disunity in the Dáil which is not mentioned in the constitution or your guidelines.”
Eh, HELLO! Did you read my previous articles detailing the whole point of this proposal?? Obviously not.
Here you go, catch up CONGRESSMAN.
My Newspaper.

“I don't personally think it's going to make things any more efficient. The problem doesn't lie in the constitution, IMO. So, it has to be níl/no for me.”
Oh! Really!? Where, in your expert opinion does the problem lie then?

“This is a huge change for Ireland, as such, each section should be broken down and discussed, I know for a fact that there are several good ideas posted on other forum threads that would work great in this.”
Each section! Are you insane? Im not letting my proposal become awash with legality and highly complicated and unnecessary additional legislation. This coming from a man who failed to contribute a single thing to the proposal in the 10+ days it was being discussed.

“there are good ideas in the constitution and of course some bad. I believe instead of a scrapping of the whole thing we should go through it make some changes and write it in a place like google docs, so it may be edited when necessary and read in its entirety by any citizen.”
Google docs!! More amendments to an already over complicated and frighteningly restraining and useless constitution. NOOB! Catch up on my previous articles CONGRESSMAN.

“All well and good attacking people who vote 'no' but do bear in mind there are also members of Congress here for the first time... and although they are not experienced in Congress, that does not make them stupid or less able to contribute.”
Well then why do they vote NO, without reading the history of the proposal and reading my previous articles which I have linked to on the original discussion of the proposal rather than leaving stupid comments which only insults their own “intelligence”.

That is the sort of rubbish that goes on in Congress ladies and gentlemen of eIreland. I am back here less than a month and I can tell you, eIreland has never in my 11 months here, been as bad as this. It is a disgrace in every single way.

We have an incompetent President whom I proposed we impeach once and for all after making an enormous cock up of the State organisations which will subsequently result in the loss of at least 2 companies, weapons I think they are, yet it seems by the voting that we too have 19 incompetent Congress men and women and more to follow no doubt.

So, where do we go from here eh?
I certainly don't know.
I have tried my best, worked my ass off and been shot down as per usual.

eIrelanders, all of you who are not in congress, those of you who have to sit by and watch this crap escalate everyday, please, PM me with your suggestions and I'll have a chat with ya'll about them.

I truly believe at this stage that Congress and the Government is incapable of sorting this mess out and that our future lies in your hands, you the citizens of eIreland.
I look forward to chatting to you. 🙂

Bryan O'Shea