If Anyone is Wondering

Day 1,507, 14:54 Published in USA USA by St Krems

Yeah, Haliman got Canada to agree to PANAM.

This is how it happened - http://pastebin.com/DgdxdmCQ

In other news, no one cared because Canada was, and is from what I hear, a pointless country that still actually has courts.

Work on PANAM started in Alexander Hamilton's term, I took up the torch under Frost's second term and it was finally completed in Mizu's term.

Haliman served as a placeholder, and a rather incompotent one who wasted a lot of gold and angered a lot of potential allies with his jaunt through the middle east. Half my time that month was spent dealing with the problems that came from that.

He was, and still is, a Halibutt.

Yours in inactivity,

